What is the brown race ?


New Member
Indians usually reffer to themselfes as "brown people". Is it based on skin colour and physical features alone or is it a social/cultural construct? Do you have to follow certain rules, customs, religions to be "brown"? I had interesting discussion on Ratedesi with some people and they said im white skinned and not brown. But i disagree and my parents also said im dark, and in school the white people called me brown skinned or dark or even insulted me by calling me "brown as shit".
Racial discrimination exists in every European and American nations and racial discrimination means discrimination on the basis of skin colour. Indians are not considered as black but they are called brown race and this is because of our skin colour like the people from Africa are termed as black. This is only on the basis of skin colour and not on the basis of a social/cultural construct. Racial discrimination is not acceptable and there should be laws in those nations against racial discrimination to prevent it.