Students gaining education in India and working abroad.

  • How far is it good?
  • What benefits or harms does it do to India and other nations and those individuals?

They send in foreign exchange to the country, money sent back home increases the overall wealth and living standards of families.India doesn't get the best brains to work for it or is there no lack of good brains in India?

Overall, is it right, or wrong?
Hi right good thinking we should give back to our mother land when we are getting so much from it right now i am in abroad just to make money but i am sure to return back to India.
People go abroad only Becouse he dont get the chance to show his talent in India or he dont get the money he want and there is nothing wrong in thinking to earn more money or achive there goal by going abroad but one should not forget about India.

If want to change smt then we need to change the system where a scientist is treated with less priority than the politician thats y everyone goes to NASA where they can achive bigger if we make similer kind of facility here then no one want to go out of India as they are also Indians
If want to change smt then we need to change the system where a scientist is treated with less priority than the politician thats y everyone goes to NASA where they can achive bigger if we make similer kind of facility here then no one want to go out of India as they are also Indians

yep, I do agree with you. However, we have to come up to change the system we can't expect from our politician or someone else. It's true that we don't have facilities like NASA but our scientist working hard in limited facilities and achieving bigger. We are expecting for proper facilities but don't think what we can do for India or our society within that limited facilities

yeah;if we get some exposure with foreign people then we can also share it with the indian people
in India.
People who go abroad must share their knwoledge with their alma mater for example.
study aboard

studying in abroad and working is not a bad thing but getting settled in other countries is not correct as per we need to get back to out motherland and we need to serve our country, according to me 80% of students came from india will get back to india because by staying alone we will known the value of our country
I feel that 99% of the facilities that are available abroad,,are available in INDIA .So why go some where else..and that 1% that is still remaining will complete in the next few years because INDIA is progressing rapidly now.

Also,we are all aware of what is happening in AUSTRALIA recently.. INDIAN students are harassed and thrown out of colleges and universities just because they do not belong to that country or they more intelligent.

If the students are true INDIANS,they should respect their holy land and give importance to not going somewhere else thinking that the facilities would be better there!
Its more about making an individual choice

One can't say that what is right or wrong. As one develops the passion for intellactual excellence, one seeks for places where better opportunities are available.
Students gaining education in India and working abroad.

  • How far is it good?
  • What benefits or harms does it do to India and other nations and those individuals?

They send in foreign exchange to the country, money sent back home increases the overall wealth and living standards of families.India doesn't get the best brains to work for it or is there no lack of good brains in India?

Overall, is it right, or wrong?

I guess there is no problem as far as people get good money.. But it is to some extent affects the indian economy and development. When all the talented people go outside teh country and work, then it will ultimately not a good sign for the nation ..
Hey Have anyone thought y students go abroad to study... because there r not enough colleges in India.. and everyone cant crack IIT... and some of the colleges in India give facility to get USA degree by doing 2yrs there and rest abroad. Not everyone will drop and year and will try for IIT again... they need admission in some decent college so that is why those choose to go abroad... and when they spend this much on fees they think first they should earn this much back... and then something else and it goes on...
Well feeling of patriotism says taht when you study in India then you should work for the country you have born and bought up in.. and when we talk about growth and selfish interests then it is important that you work abroad.. :D
I do agree we should not forget our motherland . I would love to go back to India if i would get an opportunity like this in my own country.
It's a personal decision

I think, it is a personal decision of an individual. People can move to abroad for betterment and they have full right to do so. There is no harm if any body wants to go to abroad. They can go to the abroad to prosper in life. They are also going to earn more money. There are many foreign companies that hire Indian employees. But yes, they should forget their duties and responsibilities to their motherland.
It’s work that matters

Well, individuals can bring fame to their country working in a foreign soil. :)In the present generation of globalization, these things shouldn’t matter. The end demand of any quality job is serving mankind. If you are true to what you are doing…your location shouldn’t matter. However harsh may be the fact, India still doesn’t has the infrastructure to provide for the best research facilities. However it can be said that, when you have gained enough knowledge, try and work for India so that the trend stops someday.
Study in India, work Abroad. Is this right?

Studying in India and working abroad is preferred by people because, even after studying so much, people here do not get the right job. They do not get chance to show their talent. The government here never tries to understand this, that why the people here fails and become successful aboard. This is because they are not provided with basic facilities that are required for any scientist, engineer or entrepreneur to show their talents.
It is true that one should serve his or her own nation rather than serving other nations but the saddest part lies that even after spending huge amount of money and time in acquiring higher education, people are still jobless and have to go through a lot of struggle to get a well paid job as well as respect. Whereas in Foreign nations they get respect along with good pay for their efficiency.