Let us really be proud to be Indian

Discussion in 'India' started by Jagwant Singh, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Mahendra.krishna

    Mahendra.krishna New Member

    One thing what I want to tell is don't say I am from Maharashtra or I am from Kerala or I am from xyz state ....try to say and make a habit to say I am an Indian and I am Proud to be an Indian.....:)

    Vande Mataram

  2. shivali_chandra

    shivali_chandra New Member

    The young generation is the future of India.Lets wish our younger generation All the best to make our country different & Developed.
  3. kanyalsingh

    kanyalsingh New Member


    Please remember that the most important event for a democratic Country like our, Elections are soon due. So let us concentrate on this aspect and vote in the best possible political leaders for our Country and ourselves. So please always vote ask others to do so and give your vote to the most desirable candidate regardless of party affiliations.
  4. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    I think we all are proud Indians, however it is only at the level of politics and big businesses that we can see corruption of intense magnitude. It is their selfish nature which is ruining India's image altogether. Even though children and youngsters are taught with high moral and spiritual values in the early ages, they tend to get enticed with the benefits what they can reap via corrupt practices. It is this enticement force which has to be repelled and teachings should be now focused on this.
  5. traveller

    traveller New Member

    I am and every citizen of India is proud to be an Indian. Every Indian yearns to see India free from corruption, poverty and diseases. There are several other aspects of India that makes us feel proud despite of the issues whether political, social or economical, India is facing. India is the World's largest democracy is something that makes me proud. It has the longest written Constitution, secularism is another feature that is unique, the law and judiciary, Indian Army, etc are some of the aspects that makes me proud.

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