Is Mahatma Gandhi relevant now ?

Discussion in 'Patriots and Patriotism' started by easwaransleela, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Gandhiji will remain always and everywhere relevant because the ideologies and values he walked with would work almost in any scenario. Its just that people in today's world find it difficult to go with those principles because the harsh conditions make it hard for people to walk with those principles. Nevertheless, they still hold good to carry out tasks if one is determined to follow them.

  2. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    I personally feel that Gandhian philosophy is no more relevant because of many resons.One such reason is Corruption.Many of the Indians have become so greedy that they have taken the path of corruption to earn more.Moral values are no more significant in today's world for many of them.Corruption has to be rooted out,it is only possible if people revive their moral values and root out corruption.
  3. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Mahatma Gandhi is known as the father of the Nation. But I personally do not find Gandhian philosophy relevant. The reason behind it is that Gandhi was against modernization and industrialization and in today's world without modernization and industrialization, the nation cannot progress or develop in any way. He as the Father of the Nation is still respected by every Indian and me being an India also respect him but i find his philosophy totally irrelevant in today's life.
  4. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Mahatma Gandhi is still loved and respected by people of India and is still relevant. He is still remembered with immense respect and is considered as the father of the nation. India still follows his teaching of non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi is not only remembered on Gandhi Jayanti but he is remembered all throughout the year for his sacrifice for the nation.
  5. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi can truly be understood only when we try to understand What he stood for, it was not just philosophy of truth and non violence, it was humility and equality as well. As the years have gone past our independence, the divide between people of different caste and socio-economic statuses has increased manyfold. The significance of the father of the nation today has only increased. His personal traits are what signify the philosophy of India as well.

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