How To Prepare For A Job Interview


New Member
Do you show up late with wrinkled clothes and ruffled hair? Constantly interrupt, lie about your qualifications or criticize your teachers or anybody? Here are some tips on how to handle an interview with lots of panache... and get the job!

1. Prepare yourself. Find out about the company, have your reference, resume, and ideas organise and ready for presentation.

2. Dress in a manner that is most likely to "belong" and convey an impression of someone who is well pulled together.

3. Pay attention. Listen carefully to all the questions and notice how the interviewer responds to your answers.

4. Go for the job advertised or wait for the job you want but don't try to change the job description before you even get to the interview.

5. Be positive, informative, and enthusiastic about what you can do for the company.

6. Dwell on the good aspects of former Jobs or interviewers and never make negative comments about past employers.

7. Prepare your answers to possible tricky questions before the interview. Be concise and articulate.

8. Be honest and sincere.

9. Smile, try to look comfortable. Nervousness usually isn't as obvious as it feels and once you get involved, you will find yourself relaxing and being more open and confident.

10. Make an effort to address all members of the panel equally and amicably.