Burning Issues of National Concern

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Atreyasrinath, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Decreasing Sex-Ratio In India: Sex ratio (females/male) in India has declined from 934 as in 1981 census to 933 as in 2001 census. Female foeticide is the most probable cause, dowry practice also affects the safety of an Indian girl child, even abuse, and exploitation of women cum girl children.

  2. orange

    orange New Member

    Population explosion is a big issue. It would affect the effective utilization of natural resources (land, water etc) and happiness of our people. But we do not need to worry about producing food in order to feed them we already have advanced agricultural techniques like precision farming. Our agriculture sector can do well, provided some motivation, encouragement and education to farmers, the abolition of profit motivated practices of middle men and some practical adjustment in our food habits would be enough to deal with this issue.

    Since we have moved away from the agrarian culture the rate of population growth would come down i think. Women are getting educated and employed so they wont find time to conceive and deliver a lot of babies like they did before.

    Again we need to have effective mechanisms to deal with those religious groups who encourage larger families.

    Unemployment is a byproduct of overpopulation. This issue needs to be addressed locally by each panchayats. We have MNREGA and that would control this issue to an extent. But in order to find meaningful jobs the youth them self-have to explore and innovate. We also need to enhance the outreach of institutions like NABARD which would assist the youth with resources and skill.
    In other words these problems that you have mentioned have already identified effective solutions, we only need to work and make sure that right effort is being applied.

    There are other issues which needs urgent attention like ill-health, pollution, financial security of common men etc...
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  3. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Being a young nation, India is remarkably developing fast, however some issues comes with it. India is facing many issues whether social, political or economical, that are creating hurdles in the development and progress of the nation. Corruption is the root cause of many issues that India is facing. Yet another burning problem of national concern is population explosion, which is creating a major hindrance in the development of the nation. These issues needs to be addressed at an earliest. However, the other issues like unemployment, poverty etc can be dealt with if these two primary and major issues are sorted out and controlled.
  4. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    I agree with you that population explosion is a burning issue in India which is hampering the growth and progress of the nation from every aspect and leading to many other problems. Apart from population momentum, immigration of people from countries like Bangladesh and Bhutan is one of the major reason of population explosion. These immigrants are like parasites and they are creating more and more issues and acting as a wall which is stopping the growth and development of the nation.
  5. Abi93

    Abi93 New Member

    Everyone talking about the problems in India are missing an important fact : "The backbone of India is being destroyed". As we have all learned at some point during school Agriculture is the backbone of our country. Even now nearly more than 60% of total Indian population are depending on agriculture. And our dear Prime Minister wants to rescue these people from the evils of being farmers or farm workers. No one is talking about this. First and foremost issue in all the problems you all have listed is that none of them can be solved if you are not alive. Destroying the farmlands and rescuing people from agriculture is going to result eventually in rising food prices, low food availability, hunger and eventually mass death.
  6. Abi93

    Abi93 New Member

    I disagree. Population is not India's ban rather a boon. Apparently India is one of the few counties with maximum population (about 70%) under 45. Most countries are now taking precautionary measures to ensure that their population does not die out eventually (including Japan, US and China). Whether you accept it or not we are sitting in a pretty place. We don't need to worry about the issue plaguing most developed countries. We are never going to die out. Most surveys have indicated that in the future we are going to have the largest pool of people in working age group.
  7. bharatiyam

    bharatiyam New Member

    Population explosion,poverty,corruption and unemployment are inter related terms.
    However to eradicate poverty in the nation,one first needs to understand the vicious circle of poverty that arises due to population explosion leading to unemployment and in turn again leading to poverty.
    Corruption arises where it gets its chance.No doubt corruption has lead the country into more poverty and unemployment.
    but the main key issue still fades away from our concern -illiteracy.
    literacy or rather education is the only way that can bring about awareness against corruption, fight back poverty deal with unemployment. The key to population control also lies in education.

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