Burning Issues of National Concern

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Atreyasrinath, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Indian

    Indian New Member

    Population is not a problem.....

    Everybody blaming population as a root cause to a lot of national issues isn't justified...I belive this is the resource which if properly utilised can be a boon for the country... China's just one child policy hasn't really been too advantageous for it as now it doesn't has a young population.. as is famously said China's aging!!!!

    So, population can be the greatest resource for the nation, if educated and employed... and education means quality education!!!

  2. Desi

    Desi New Member

    all are interrelated

    Population, corruption and unemployment are interrelated. When there is high birth rate it will give give rise to unemployemnt and ultimately corruption. People have to compromise or give bribery to otehrs to get their work done. These factors needs to be taken care of and must be controlled.:mad:
  3. Kr1shn4

    Kr1shn4 New Member

    I guess these questions have been put up every now & then. The problem is not with the questions but their solutions.... which just doesn't seem to exist :( even if they do, we are not ready to apply them.
  4. Desi

    Desi New Member

    I agree with you.. we usually talk about the problems but we never try to get the solution to those problems. It is now become very important to see the root cause of all the problems and work sincerely..
  5. Desi

    Desi New Member

    We always say that we should do this and that.. but we never take any action.. only these are not alone the reason for india's corruption and national concern.. there are many reasons like child labor, child marriage etc.
  6. Kanakavalli

    Kanakavalli New Member

    To control population is areal remedy of controlling our inflation.
  7. aswantkaur

    aswantkaur New Member


    The government must form strict laws to check population ,the root of all maladies. awareness among people must be spread & special incentives be given to those who follow small family norm.Educating women and making them economically independent can go a long way in checking population menace :)
  8. Vinipathak

    Vinipathak New Member

    Well I guess the problem is itself the solution but the thing is that we need to take it a bit seriously, talking about population this is actually the best human resource India is having the real asset of our country, the problem is awareness if we educate people, make them aware for example motivating them to join Indian army, develop entrepreneurship, awareness for sports, awareness of rights and health etc. than India can actually perform better in every field and sector. offcorse cheking the population growth is also necessary but that is also not possible without educating people and making them aware and make them realise their duties.
  9. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    I am not going through the full thread, as I would like to debate with the thread starter.

    We have FCI to take care of that. GoI already provides subsidized grains and wheat for people living below the poverty line.
    As for the next generation disclosure, we need to give good education to our children, ain't it?
    Let's leave next generation's problems to the next generation and work to make policies that help the next generation in the long run.

    Oh! and by the way, because of this population, we have MNCs setting up bases in India. Do remember that the Indian middle class has the highest English speaking percentage in the world, and also the youngest. So, if educated population is a boon.

    Healthy environment - I don't know.
    Good Lifestyle - So, you want GoI paying for your Levis', Gucci boots & Sean John's Unforgivable. Get a life mate!

    But yes! implementation of policies and laws at the grass-root level is important. IT can solve this.

    You've got to be kiddin' me. Indian Railways single handedly employs 1,406,430 people.

    And for all the unemployed youth, NREGA is there. I have seen people abusing PMs' Rojgar Yojana. They apply for schemes, get the money, enjoy their time, and disappear.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  10. manpreet

    manpreet New Member

    There are limitless problems tahta re prevailing in today's scenerio.. people are making huge buff of every thing from corruption to politions.. noone is concerned about the poor people.. I have heard in the news few days back that people are dieing because of poverty and hunger.. they are doing suicide due to no money and no response from the government.. where will these poor people especially farmers will go? no one has the answer..
  11. khush

    khush New Member


    What is it? only corruption? only terrorism? only child labour? No.. there are more than that... like child abuse.... rape.. and female killing... many boss many!! We need to think about all these as welll..
  12. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Corruption and corrupted people are in every place of the world. There are the parasites of the society. They like to feed on the food of other people. Corruption is making the society no less than the hell. There are many people who like to have more and more money and they choose the way to corruption. There are many people who work in illegal way and make the people corrupted. It is the social disease and may be there is no medicine to cure this social problem.
  13. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    At present Price rises is Burning issue of National Concern .India is developing country and there are many problems. The price rise is one such major problems and it affects the daily life of the common men. The price of every daily commodity like rice, pulses, vegetables, medicines which are essential for the daily need are rising very quickly and there are no such solution of this problem. The people cannot buy the medicines due to high price. There are many poor and low income group families for whom price rise is a grave problem.
  14. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    India Issues

    Indians are poor and there are many factors. The people do not have proper education and hence it obstructs the population to prosper in life. The economic standard of the people is not prospering and there are many people who are living under the poverty line. There are no jobs and unemployment problem is very serious. India is an agrarian country and there are many problems the farmers face lots of problems, they do have scientific method of agriculture and hence they cannot prosper in life.
  15. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Indian issues

    Apart from continuous increase in population, the rise of unemployment and unfading illiteracy, there are many other issues that need serious handling. The major issue that has come out like a fire is farmers committing suicide and the government failing to take any preventive measures. This shows that the automation and importing of products has washed away the strength of soil and farmers hope and the hunger and poverty are compelling them to end their life.
  16. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    RIght now the most important and burning concern is price hike and the black money of indians, which is there in Swiss bank. The price of daily use stuff such as LPG and diesel have gone up which affects people to great extent.this is the burning issue of nation as of now. Government should make any plan that will give relief to people and will not affect them much.
  17. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    there are loads of issues which are of national concern. to name a few poverty, corruption, illiteracy, and rurals lagging in development are some of the prime concerns. we have corruption deep rooted in our system which should be culled out completely to make our country a better place to live. i think if this is addressed, other issues would also get attention.
  18. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Unemployment is always a big problem for India. It has been the habit
    of politicians keeping on themselves back to over population. And we
    ourselves compromise about un employment.
    Well Indian is an over populated country no doubt in it but I feel
    like it’s not a very big problem which made people get afraid and run
    away to foreign country.
    The main problem for Unemployment is, people in India doesn’t realize
    what they are made for, I mean what they are capable of.
    For example people in developed country use their photography talent
    as their profession. But here in India people feel like 90 out of 100
    percentage is the only way to get settle in his/her life.
    How foolishness is that we produce numerous number of engineers every
    year but we can’t saturate them in our own country
    This country needs to work out on new professional courses, I mean
    different ways to income.
  19. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Rural Development projects which were dumped, finally getting some relief. The rural areas of India have made great progess over the years.The credit of the same goes to government initiated policies like Integrated Rural Development Program (IRBD),first introduced in 1978-79, Wage Employment Programs,Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS),Food for Work Program,Rural Housing,Social Security Programs,Land Reforms and many more.
  20. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    India's Increasing Child Mortality Rate: In spite of India's rapid economic growth, its child mortality rate is awful compared to even smaller countries like Bangladesh, this rate is around 7.2% live births. India though a member of UNCRC, but it doesn't follow member states' guidelines of recognizing a child's inherent rights to life.

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