Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great. – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
If you have the ability to think, you will be able to do. Being literate is not an option but a choice. It is a choice of inspiriting and empowering oneself to aim for new heights. Education not only helps in enhancing one’s personality but it also plays the role of the wings and helps in soaring higher and higher. Education can help in converting a miserable life into a satisfactory one.
The level of education and the rate of literacy are the major indicators that highlight the development of any country. This is because literacy is associated with appropriate knowledge about urbanization, modernization, communication, industrialization and commerce. If the people are well educated and their literacy level is high enough then they develop the ability to fathom the basics of their existing environment (social, physical and political) and thereby respond to it in the most fitting manner. The Indian scenario, with respect to literacy rate and number of educated individuals, is very bleak. According to the statistics put forward by the Census 2001, the overall rate of literacy is about 64.8% (males- 75.3% and females- 53.7%) (see reference). However, the basic point of concern is that the people in India are divided by the abyss of religion, caste, communities, traditions and superstitions. And this acts as an obstacle in the development.
According to the statistics by WHO , the health care budget of India is ranked at the position of 151, with the total number of countries being 196. To add on to this, the government further reduced the health care budget, along with the education budget, owing to the division of funds for space programs. Is this the way to promote education? Yes, it is true that good economic policies aid to country’s development. But is development always related to financial gain? What about the mental and physical being of the natives of the country?
The mental and physical development of every individual is as important is the development rate of the country. Only if the people are educated, know their rights, are able to lead a successful life and are able to provide for their families and themselves, they can call themselves ‘the proud citizens’ of the country. But for chancing one’s arm, it is important to learn, to know more, to be aware about the general affairs of the country. And for this being educated, is important.
Education not only helps in selecting the best leader but also helps in protesting for what is not right. The current scenario of Indian society is gloomy. There are crimes, abductions, rapes, thefts and other repugnant activities going on. How are the citizens supposed to react to such abhorrent actions, when they do not their rights and the policies of the government? Definitely education will come in handy for them. Education contributes to other things as well. Being educated can ensure employment and independency. It will enable the individuals to earn and provide food, shelter and hygienic living condition, it will help in avoiding and fighting crime and in development of good personality. Everyone has the right to read, write and speak because literacy is the bulwark against poverty and other miseries of life. Education of citizens will eventually help in democratization. Only then can a country become developed, in real sense.
References : Censusindia , WHO. (2013)