Taboos and the Indian Society


Every time I hear that India is developing, I smirk in my head. I think that how can India possibly grow when there are so many ideas or beliefs that are trying to pull it back down. We are yet to fight so many taboos, crimes, and injustice that we are way behind any of the countries that we wish to be like. Being rooted and following your culture is one thing, but twisting the cultural tales to make them sound totally different according to your own whims and fancies is way beyond ethical. I think we all, the youth and the other generations need to come together to fight the biggest foes of our society, the taboos. Let’s see what are the most common taboos in our society :

Menstruation – Talking about menstruation in public is wrong, it is definitely not a part of our culture and people who do it are not well-cultured or rooted. A girl undergoing menstruation is unclean, and thus should not be allowed to pray or do certain other things.

Sex – Speaking about sex in public is bad, it is not to be discussed, and doing anything that is even remotely sexual like masturbating is a crime. People also shy away from using birth control pills or condoms because going and asking for such things means that you are indulged in sexual activities.

Drinking and smoking – Drinking or smoking is catastrophic for health, no matter what quantity of alcohol you consume, you will reach a stage where you will be unable to fathom the reality and thus you will end up in danger. India is not a westernized nation, and no, alcohol cannot be a part of anybody’s lifestyle here.

Homosexuality – Homosexuality is queer, it is unnatural, it defies the law of nature and people who are homosexuals are under some bad influence. They all are high on something and don’t actually know what they are doing, they should be treated.

Inter-religion marriage – One should not be married outside of one’s own religion, it will only add to the population of the other religion. Also, we have a bias towards certain religions, we don’t exactly know what is wrong, but because we’ve been hearing it for ages, so it must be really wrong to marry someone of a different religion.

Divorce – People can kill each other fighting once they are married, but they shouldn’t get divorced, because what will the world say about them. The world which knows exactly nothing about what is happening between the two married individuals is entitled to have an opinion but the people concerned are not.

How to break the Taboos

Whatever we hate talking about is a natural, normal human thing which people should probably know more about so that they can start accepting that all these things are as natural as breathing –

1. Instead of shying away from the topic, the more you talk about it the better it will be for you. People will know more and start thinking that sex and menstruation is something that happens with most of human beings and it is not bad.

2. Actually trying something before having an opinion about it or trying to understand the other person’s point of view might actually help in digesting the fact that we have moved on from juices to coffee to alcohol in public gatherings.

3. Nobody gets to decide the laws of nature, even nature doesn’t at times, then who are we to give a verdict. Live and let live, as long as you get to choose your sexuality, you should not have a problem with whatever others are doing.

4. Gossip, as a whole should be banned, it only gives rise to bigger taboos and misconceptions, and people are stupid enough to not reason with anything. They buy whatever is sold to them. Try and think before you just take on somebody else’s opinion as the general trend.

Taboos are nothing but a crippling impediment for our society, they should be uprooted and thrown away. Taboos just show how lazy we all have been because we never tried to ask that one why which could have changed hundreds of lives, we just kept listening and accepting whatever came out way. Let’s fight this one together and make the country free of the shackles of non-sensical beliefs.

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Reader, writer, social worker, journalist, closet poet. Loves books, dogs and people . Travel and tattoo enthusiast. Writing came as an epiphany while doing Journalism and Mass Communication from Xavier Institute of Communications. Currently, turning her passion into her profession.


  1. Taboos seem to be synonymous to Indian society. or almost anything or everything, we have a taboo which refuse to fit in the logics of the modern world. In my honest opinion, these taboos are doing more a harm than benefits, ever! Talking of sex in public, kissing, homosexuality, drinks and what not? Everything is considered a myth when people are actively being a part of it. It is the time that we break the stereotype!

  2. Taboos seem to be synonymous to Indian society. or almost anything or everything, we have a taboo which refuse to fit in the logics of the modern world. In my honest opinion, these taboos are doing more a harm than benefits, ever! Talking of sex in public, kissing, homosexuality, drinks and what not? Everything is considered a myth when people are actively being a part of it. It is the time that we break the stereotype!

  3. Every taboo has a story and a code of conduct related , we just fail to understand it. It’s like ‘little knowledge is dangerous’. We think we are getting educated and we discard all the cultural belief that have been passed on. Well maybe some are just junk but there are some scientific and logical explanations. For instance menstruation is considered unclean, well its quite a time when girls don’t feel good about but the fact they were kept apart from doing any sort of physical work was because body gets relatively weaker in those days. Second about drinking, yes it is bad for health. its universal truth. Its in chemical nature and any excuse like its quantity or dilution watever, bottom line is, it dehydrates. ‘Occasionally consuming alcohol is not worrisome’, but maybe it is to some people, some of them have certain gene, that is hereditary sometimes, gets trigger and a person becomes alcoholic, so much so that it is lethal to their own health and society. It also effects the hormonal secretion, a long story! You can drink in a room and avoid all the drama. Talking about sex is not a big deal, but it depends on the company. Again, can guys digest when some girl would frankly talk about it? Ancient Indian were so much open about it. The problem started when we called ourselves educated but started behaving like animals. Indian culture is worth following it tells about so many scientific marvels, practices that are far beyond our understanding right now, the code of conduct, in modern terms, like we write in resumes or even have certification on ‘soft skills’. Even the concept of taweez.. that people used to make with the amniotic fluid and would wore around neck, is one of the remarkable practices. But hanging like a pendulum and segregating cultures.. western and Indian that’s what is pathetic. Being a part of so called new generation, I think we need to be really educated and develop logical thinking rather than just collecting degrees and showing off. Nothing should be taken for granted, you can find astonishing answers and logic once you try to take unbiased dive in our cultural diversity its human behavior and human culture. We are, after all part of a concept generated thousands of years ago. Its not east or west its just human evolution in every aspect. Understand it, embrace it and create something beautiful out of it!

  4. Dissapointed,, in that ,such a culture , that has given the world such an recipe to expand the mind,, in many ways ,,in opposition ,
    has such a narrow minded approach to many things, that restricts such an open mind, that it claims to propose??

  5. Is Balance Possible in Marriage?

    1. The Root Cause – Different Upbringings

    Everyone grows up with unique educational, cultural, and environmental influences.
    In marriage, trying to merge these differences often leads to conflicts and the need for compromises.

    2. The Nature of Ego

    Ego is a natural psychological mechanism that helps protect one’s sense of self. It is often misunderstood as inherently bad.
    In reality, ego serves as a defense system that preserves mental stability. However, society misinterprets it, using it to control individuals and suppress their uniqueness.

    3. The Dual Nature of Social Constructs

    Marriages are often influenced by societal expectations, mutual pressures, and moral codes, which create challenges in achieving balance.
    Society portrays ego as a flaw, suppressing individual identities and fueling conflicts under the guise of compromise.

    Marriage and Separation – The Roots of Conflicts

    1. Personal Preferences and Dislikes

    Everyone has unique likes, dislikes, and personal challenges.
    These can turn into conflicts within a shared life, as society fails to recognize them as natural human traits and instead labels them as flaws.

    2. Separation, Anger, and Revenge

    Rigid mindsets and unwillingness to compromise disrupt harmony in marital life.
    This often leads to separations, which society views as the breakdown of invaluable relationships. However, in reality, separations are often due to the inability to resolve or adapt to challenges.

    3. Economic Instability

    Divorces frequently create financial hardships, especially for women and children.
    This weakens the stability of families and affects societal financial structures.

    Understanding Ego: Misconceptions and Reality

    The True Meaning of Ego:

    The ability to protect one’s emotions.

    The power to express one’s desires and identity.

    Society’s Misinterpretation of Ego:

    Social structures misdefine ego for their benefit.

    It is used as a tool to suppress individuality and enforce control.

    Causes of Separation in Society

    1. Lack of Faith in Morality

    Marriages are no longer driven by genuine affection or trust but are often influenced by self-interest or societal pressure.
    In places where true relationships should thrive, selfish motives dominate.

    2. Financial Worries

    Marriages struggle to function smoothly due to financial instability, debt, or money-related conflicts.

    3. Lack of Trust in Collaboration

    A successful partnership requires mutual trust in each other’s ability to contribute.
    However, societal constructs often manipulate this trust, creating unnecessary tensions in married life.

    Are Relationships Hindering Social Progress?

    Your perspective is valid. Society reshapes its structure under the guise of relationships, suppressing individuality, freedom, and self-awareness.
    This fosters separation, resentment, and obstacles to societal advancement.

    In Summary:

    Marriages should promote social order and civility, but they often lead to separations and challenges.

    Ego is unfairly labeled as a flaw, even though it is a natural defense mechanism and a part of individual identity.

    Financial pressures and societal expectations intensify family conflicts and separations.

    Society needs reform to embrace individuality, justice, and the natural dynamics of human relationships.

    Totally that taboo is good

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