Youth Unemployability in India

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Education is the only factor that can lay down a strong foundation for the Employment opportunities in India. But the current education system of India is lacking in the skills development aspect. The current education system of India does stress too much on the academic syllabus and subjects but it is not skill based that trains the pupils in basic and professional skills such as discipline, maintaining logbooks, punctuality, impressive communication, public relations and other technical skills. The present youth is lacking in skill efficiency and apparently this is the reason why a million number of youth gets graduated in India but remain Unemployed. According to a few reports done on Unemployability in India it was found that; out of 100,000 graduates only 53% of the youth is employed. India is manifesting itself as a globalized nation and in order to reinforce its economic system it requires highly skilled and trained professionals. India undoubtedly resonates graduates but not the skilled professionals. Thus there is deliberate need to impart skills, technical and professional training to the youth that can prepare them for the Indian and multinational companies. The youth needs to be employed at various levels of the functioning that provides them not only the economic security but also help them to raise their self-authorship. It is the efficiency and skillful techniques of the youth that would foster the growth and development of the nation’s economy.

    Do you agree that, imparting the skills and professional education will immensely help in reducing the Unemployability among the Indian youth?

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