Youth As The Leading Power Of India

Discussion in 'India' started by Woman, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Whenever the word 'Youth' comes to our mind, we instantly think of the young enthusiastic individuals whom we believe to have the power and courage to bring transformations in the country. Indian Youth is undoubtedly has the power to Change and Bring Innovations in the path of development of the country. Youth can be described as the individuals who are young specifically among the 18-25 years of age groups. Young individuals are dynamic, they are creative and possess tremendously productive and constructive thoughts and ideas. Today, there is a desperate need to channelize their utmost caliber and intelligence in a constructive manner if the Governance of India really does wish for a prosperous and bright future for the country. In fact this is the best time when the young, educated and aware individuals should step forward in order to bring drastic transformations in the ordinance of the country. They have the power to Lead the country, their versatile thoughts have a spark to ignite the lamp of courage and determination among the rest of people of the country. It is basically a two way process firstly it is the duty of the government to take care of requirements and demands of the youth, each aspect related to the growth and development of the youth should be dealt with seriousness and at the part of the youth, they should be alert and aware regarding their Rights and Duties. They should be aware of their Responsibilities towards their country. It is a really big task, their life should not only be restricted to earning the livelihood or settling their career but they should have the awareness in their minds that they are acquiring education in order to contribute for the welfare of their country as well. Politics is not bad but it just has been severely polluted by the corrupted actions of corrupted leaders. Rather the young individuals should come in front to lead the Politics for a better and improvised governance of India. It is the high time to bring a Change and we have a crystal-clear way out to implement the same. Youth has the courage, determination and the power not only to imagine a bright future of India but actually turning that imagination into reality. There is a slightest fear and whole lot of aggression among the Indian Youth that should be channelized in a proper manner so that that anxiety and aggression does not become destructive but rather constructive in the way of growth of the country.

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