Youth and Social Media

Discussion in 'India' started by IReporter, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. IReporter

    IReporter New Member

    The concept global village really came in to a reality with cutting edge digital technologies and internet invaded in to the everyday lives of common man. Now, we can connect and communicate with anyone across the world within a matter of minutes through the platform of social networking, which has grown overwhelmingly big and wide.

    Among the new generation youth of India, a major chunk is active on major social networking sites like facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram and alikes, sharing their daily lives with their group of friends. It’s like you do not exist if you are not a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram user. The profiles on these sites are the best identity for today’s youth and are also the proof of their existence.

    It is a solid fact that social networking sites have many uses like connecting with friends, sharing important information, helping the same-feathered birds to flock together. But it also has its own risk factors like hacking, accessing private pictures, and even some important information etc.

    Too much of anything is dangerous. Sometimes, it feels that all the people who are active on facebook are clicking pictures just for the sake of getting ‘likes’. I have personally seen many people who appear visibly depressed than other days, because they didn’t get the expected number of ‘likes’ for a facebook profile picture!

    Shouldn’t there be an invisible border for the youth against roaming around in the virtual world of social networks? Shouldn’t there be a habit of self-control, while posting their vain thoughts (like feeling hungry or happy) into a world that’s open for strangers’ intervention?

    The impact of internet addiction, especially uncontainable social networking love, is really very grave and serious. It affects the physical, mental and emotional health of the youth and the teenagers. No one really cares about a next-door friend, but is eager to chat with someone in the other part of the globe. In extreme cases, some overly dependent social users sacrifice the much needed hours of sleep necessary for maintaining the balance and equilibrium of the body. Many get alienated from the real world of friends and family, choosing to settle into the virtual cocoon.

    The new-generation Indian youth, who are well-educated and very confident, should be aware of the consequences of depending too much on social Media networking for being connected with their friends. They need to think logically with broader emotional borders, so that they can assimilate all the good things and can wade out the evils.

  2. bharatiyam

    bharatiyam New Member

    Every boon of technological development and modernization comes in a package of its pros and cons.They are all cohesive.Talking about youth and social media, the main concern is, they are more then being just addictive.Youngsters are more busy twittering and face booking rather then spending time listening to class lectures or spending time with their family.Social media and maintaining one`s consistency there has become a matter of obsession.The youth is more concerned with the number of friends they add, the likes they get in their pictures and how popular they become among their friends.Lost in this attractive but superficiality of social networking sites, they fail to utilize the actual pros of this Boon.

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