Your Favourate News Channel?

Discussion in 'News & Media' started by Aesthete, Oct 13, 2010.


What is Your favourate News Channel?

  1. NDTV (Hindi)

    0 vote(s)
  2. NDTV (English)

    0 vote(s)
  3. CNN IBN

    0 vote(s)

    0 vote(s)

    0 vote(s)
  6. AAJ TAK

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    0 vote(s)
  1. Aesthete

    Aesthete New Member

    Hi All,

    This is to just know the facts about which Indian News channel People like to watch.

    We all know that almost all Indian News channels are biased to any particular political parties, rather than showing Truth(Specially All Hindi News Channels). But even though some news channels are better compare to others.

    This poll is just know the fact about our Indian Media.

  2. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    well, to be frank, as Indian media is currently towing the path of exaggeration and making overstatements, it really becomes difficult to follow one channel. we time to time need to see what other news channels have to say about it, to bring ourselves closer to truth, which is not really expected from private media these days.
    still, if i have to point out a channel that i can say is my favourite would be CNBC as they hardly have anything to manipulate . although its a business news channel, they still follow all important national and international news and events. in my opinion, they are closest to truth, that is why i like watching that channel.
  3. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    these days the competition amongst the news channels is great and most of the news channels strive to give the best in them. some of them do modify news to grab the attention of viewers but on the whole i like watching headlines today as it brings about many new stories on the front.
  4. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    news channels are fighting for TRP these days and they are least bothered of what they show in their shows. very few news channels are dedicated to journalism. in my view headlines today is bringing us good and quality news with proper information structure. apart from it ndtv is also not so bad. rest of the news channels are less dedicated to being responsible media.

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