Women's Health Issues

Discussion in 'Women' started by Divyasharma, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Divyasharma

    Divyasharma New Member

    Blame it on drastic change in lifestyle or women's lesser body resistance; women's Increasing health issues are catching everyone's eyes. And while there is little that is being done to avoid them, let's look at the most common health issues that women of India today are dealing with:

    Breast Cancer : One of the most growing problems among women, which is responsible for 1 per cent of deaths worldwide, is breast cancer. While there's no one cause that can be ascertained as to why it hits one, Medical science does understand some more issues related with it. The main reason is the drastic change in lifestyle. Things like late marriage, delay in having the first baby, less or NO breast feeding, over-weight problems and women's genetic factors, all make for a variety of reasons that heighten the risk of breast cancer in women.

    Stroke : Women today are affected with strokes. Diabetes and hypertension are the two most common causes of stroke. Also junk food, lack of exercise, excessive work pressure and no-diet control are the other reasons. As to why women are getting affected with it, is because in households where women are not working, their health is usually ignored till an emergency comes up. While working women get so busy juggling home and careers that they give but li'l attention to their health leading to problems like hypertension.

    Polycistic Ovarian Disease : Polycystic ovary disease is yet another Health issue that has come up to be one of the most common female endocrine disorders affecting about five to ten per cent of women of reproductive age, which is anything between 12 to 45 years. It is a condition in which there are many small cysts in the ovaries, which can affect a woman's ability to conceive.The First symptom of one acquiring this problem is irregular, light or no periods. Others could be acne, excess growth of hair on the body, hair loss, infertility, weight gain or obesity and high insulin. Timely check-ups can prevent this from increasing. Right medical treatment can treat POD and women can conceive.

    Female Sexual Arousal Disorder : Sex is an important part of every one's life. But often the common health issue shared among women is the issue of no sexual arousal despite their wanting to have sex.It's a common Health issue but reasons could lie in any of the four stages of sex. The four stages broadly are:

    - desire at the brain level,
    - erection or arousal at the body level,
    - penetration
    - and lastly, the orgasm.

    Problem at any of these stages may lead to what we call FSAD.

    Weight gain : A woman is always fat by her standards. Leaving that aside, the tendency of most Indian women to put on weight easily, especially after marriage is something that needs a low down. Married women or unmarried women, a proper diet and regular exercise is the only key to Fit body. As for the most cited reason for women putting on weight after marriage – that is sex, it's a complete myth. The reasons lie in the complacency that sets in women. Marriage is a new feeling, they are in a happy state, husband gives them too much attention and all this excitement leads to women secreting the 'feel good' hormones that lead to weight gain. It's easier for working women to stay fit and shapely due to the running about that they need to do. Housewives, who are mostly relaxing at home, are bound to be complaining of the weight gain issue.

  2. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    to add a few, there are quite some of them which are also important health issues of women. Anemia is one them as many women are anemic and are unaware of this fact though affected.. secondly, its the mental unhealthiness due to dysmenorrhoea which affects vast population of women.
  3. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Lesser Fertility Level Diminishes Women's Health-Problems. Most of Indian women's health issues are related with high fertility levels. Fortunately Fertility has declined in India. Greater differences in levels of fertility exist depending on state, religion, education, residing place, even caste. UP is largest state in India as per population with fertility rate five kids per mother, but Kerala with greater female education facilities posses fertility rate much less i.e. less than 2.
  4. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Women today are facing numerous health problems and these are increasing constantly. The problem of Infertility is now quite common among young women it is mainly due to the life style that they are leading as well as unhealthy food habits. Smoking among young women is yet another cause for infertility and other health issues like cancer, heart disease, premature menopause and other sexual disorders.
  5. GreenGirl

    GreenGirl New Member

    Stress loads are high for working mothers
    British women recently surveyed in a health magazine reported that juggling the dual roles of mother and worker is extremely hard. Findings include:
    Over 60 per cent of working mothers feel they take out their stress on their families.
    Close to half of all working mothers would prefer to be full-time mothers, while around one fifth would like to work from home.
    Just four per cent of working mothers would elect to work full-time if they had the choice.
    Nearly eight out of 10 working mothers would quit their jobs if they could.
  6. GreenGirl

    GreenGirl New Member

    Some diseases like anxiety, depression, osteoporosis are more common in women.

    Health Tips:

    #1 You need a balanced diet containing enough vitamins and minerals as well. It improves your mental performance and your immunity which helps fight diseases.

    #2 Drink a lot of water. Fresh fruit juices (without added sugar) are good too. Avoid fizzy drinks.

    #3 Exercise regularly. You can go for jogging, cycling or even a walk. It helps ward off heart diseases and decrease stress and anxiety.

    #4 Use the stairs instead of the elevator at the office or park your car few meters away from your workplace.

    #5 Always take a break. Do not burden yourself with extra work. Take time to relax. Make a schedule.

    #6 Planning is essential. Plan your week with priorities.

    #7 Go for regular health checkups. Make sure your blood pressure and cholesterol are within normal limits.

    #8 Sleep well at night. At least 8 hours of sleep is essential. It will keep you fresh the next day.

    The strength that working women have is a wonder. However, you should know when to draw the line and take a break. You can take a vacation, travel or simply relax by chatting with friends.

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