Women's Day ; A Day To Cherish the Spirit Of Womanhood

Discussion in 'Women' started by Campus, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    So, here we have another year and yet another Women’s Day to celebrate. What a wonderful day it seems to be; when everyone pays you attention, gives you regards and sees your efforts with much more compassion. Women’s day; is a day to remind the world about all the good things women around the world have accomplished and pursued. It is a day of recalling the empowerment of women and narrating their success stories. Women’s day is a reminder to the world, each nation and to every kind of the society that the women are invaluable members of the system and the world, it is certainly baseless to question the relevance of the existence of the women and to ask for any validation for the same. This day is ethically the day that should be celebrated with much enthusiasm and regards to women.

    Women have played numerous of roles at various levels, whether it is making a home, rearing up the children, taking care of the family, making social, political and economic participation; women have been a jack of all traits. Needless to say what heights of determination, passion and zeal women have shown in so many areas. Particularly in the context of Indian Women nothing is more commendable on their part that they have managed to come out with flying colors, even when they are surrounded and subjugated with discrimination and prejudices. Life isn’t easy for them, but that is when they show their real strength to the world that they can even take the world on their feet. Women’s day for me is a day to thank each and every woman who has been a part of our life in some or other way. Women make our lives easy and I mean it when I say this! Whether she is a mother, sister, wife, daughter or a friend, she makes us feel that her every single moment and breath is devoted to us, and she is ready to make every possible compromise for our happiness. And such feelings are inherently there in the Indian Women. They are the epitome of cultural values and Indianness is just so visible in their each action and thought.

    Calling the woman; a divine creature is not groundless, women are literally; divine by their actions and feelings which they possess in their hearts. And when we have a one single day that calls out for giving a patronage to all those women who have been a part of our life and in the developmental journey of the country; then why not celebrate that day with joy and happiness? Women have contributed much to the society, family and to the nation that cannot ever be neglected in any way. So, let us not be judgmental about why do we have only one day to give our regards to the women rather let us not waste even a single moment of this lovely day and bless every woman of this world whose presence have made this world a wonderful place to live in. Women have been a divine blessing to this world and our lives thus Women’s Day is a blissful day to recall all those blessings that have been brought by the Women. Let us cherish the existence of women and celebrate the spirit of Womanhood.

  2. shinning

    shinning New Member

    Well just lets not make it a big deal , Like
    Fathers Day,
    Childrens Day,
    There is a Mothers Day

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