Women of India

Discussion in 'Women' started by Young, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Young

    Young Peace is the Mission

    God is personified as a male in the whole world. But we have female goddesses in India .

    We have “Goddess of Strength” but not a “God of Strength”

    We envisage our nation as a woman and call our country as the mother land.

    The President of India is a woman.

    The Chief of the ruling political party is a woman.

    Then how can someone say that the status of woman is low in India .

    Let us be proud of the superior position of the woman in India . Woman has been occupying superior positions in the traditions of India throughout the ages. We have one of the oldest civilizations in the world where women were given equal status. In all the stories of Vedas, Puranas and other scriptures, woman is depicted as an insignia of power. In the modern history also we find the examples of Rani Lakshmi Bai and many others. It’s the time to get inspired by their heroism and build a powerful India . Can anyone cite some examples of achievements of Indian woman in the recent time? Kalpana Chawla is one of them. Can anyone inform us about other successful woman? The readers will be benefited by such updated knowledge.

  2. Amrit.Rawal

    Amrit.Rawal New Member

    We are proud of our women.They did not surrender before the Muslim Invaders but preferred to be burnt alive as in the case of Padmini and thousands of other India women. Indian culture is alive because Indian women have lent strength to it by making all kinds of sacrifices.
  3. Madhura Dande

    Madhura Dande New Member

    It is very true that we INDIANS worship female as goddesses.One example of successful Indian woman is Dr. Kiran Muzumdar Shaw. She pioneered the business of biotechnology in India and successfully implemented it in pharmaceuticals.
  4. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    We are proud of our Indian Women.. she is the live example and statute of sacrifice, support, unconditional love and care.. We salute indian Women in each way.. no matter what she respects the elders and give people courage to move forward..
  5. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Deliverance from male domination

    The women in the Indian society have long been dominated by the male counterpart. They are the ones that suffer the most. Marriage of the girl is the biggest headache of the father as in involves a huge ‘dowry’ demand from the boy’s family. The women are seen as a burden. But this has been fast changing. Women are getting into the mainstream in every field.
  6. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Being an Indian women makes me feel proud

    Who says women are behind men? :confused:
    Today you can see women participating in each major activity in the country. Do you know who the president of India is? It’s Mrs. Pratibha Patil, women. Take upon any field is it politics, education, media, art and culture, service sectors, science and technology, or any other sector, women are topping everywhere.
    We have excellent examples of some strong Indian women who never feared of any one like the fighter Rani Lakshmi Bai, Kittur Chennamma, Indira Gandhi and still the list is endless.
    So, all Indian women, you should feel proud of yourselves.
  7. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    Indian Women have become a symbol of strength, hard work and wisdom. with many wise, hard-working and successful women around us, we never feel that India was once a country when gender bias was found.
    may it be a day-labourer, a professional or a home-maker, women have proved their calibre in every field. today, they are recognized throughout the world and their potential is known to all.
    gone are the days when women were looked upon with pity or mercy, as today they are the spark of the nation.
  8. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    women in india

    women in india represent dignity worldwide. many other women learn from indian women as they live in dignified life with self respect. though most of them are housewives, they are dedicated very much to their families and play very responsible role in day to day life. now a days women are also taking part in working section.
  9. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    Womne in India

    Women have always been a strong hold of family and nation. Just see the history of India and its culture; Indian women were given equal rights. It’s only after invasion of Muslims that the idea lost its glory. But now again Indian women have leaving there mark in every filed. It is always said that educating a women is like educating the entire family. So just think about the nation.
  10. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Whatever we say would be less about indian women. she is a mother, wife and nowadays working just like any men and fighting for her rights. she is kind hearted at the same time strong enough to handle the burden of the family. she has a nature to forgive and forget. Men usually do not forget but indian women forget and forgive everyone who come and say simple sorry and even understands what other needs.
  11. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Women of india are very courageous and they have the faith in themselves that they can do anything. the scenario of todays woman has changed a lot in india and other parts of the world. Women are becoming more independent now and walking with the shoulder to shoulder with men in fact they are moving ahead with men in each field you can think of.
  12. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Women are same all around the world in terms of anything but there is something different about women of india. They are more strong than any other women, no matter if we talk about responsibility, bringing up of children, savings, family and dealing with other issues. They are simply the best among all! Indian women are the figure who know how to sacrifice her interests and feed the family.
  13. Economist

    Economist New Member

    When we talk about women of india there are several figures and faces that comes to my mind from Indira Gandhi to mother terresa and some of the legendary iconic women. these women are the figure of strength and patience as well as humanity. Women are same all around the world but indian women are bit different in these aspects.
  14. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    Changing roles of Gender is talking place at a high speed in india. Women of india are more strong than men. The changes as well as flexibility in gender roles are being evident today and it has roots in the changing social structure. Advancement in sciences, economic factors and changed value system has contributed to a preference for nuclear family thus doing away with the concept of joint family.
  15. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Indian Women has always been an epitome of love, affection, care, sacrifice and selflessness. Women in India are today at par with men in every aspect of life. There are so many examples of legendary women in India whose names are been written in golden in the History of India. Rani Lakshmi Bai, Sarojini Naidu, Indira Gandhi, Kalpana Chawla etc are some of the names who have made India proud and we are all Proud of Women in India.
  16. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Indian Women are known all over the world not only for their love and affection but also for possessing the quality of perseverance which makes them unique from rest of the women folk in the World. Moreover, Indian women have played great role in shaping India and have made several sacrifices. They have put their mark in every field since ancient times. Be it Gargee, Rani Lakshmi Bai or Kalpana Chawla, everyone have made India proud with their work.
  17. sakshi sharma

    sakshi sharma New Member

    Indian women of today is versatile in terms of her ambition, values, creativity, competitiveness and artistic abilities. She signifies power like men! In fact men and women are equal. Why is there a disparity? Both are children of God. God never created this difference then why are we creating. Women are not low; only the people be it men or women who bear this thought that she is low, are low! Not to mention again, here we have already seen as cited by so many members, the examples of such strong Indian women and their grace still in today's world.
  18. kushy

    kushy New Member

    Women of our country is very traditional,she is the backbone of his family.Now a days she is balancing all things in a very good manner not only house hold matter but she is looking after her profession also.So many changes have been occurred in upcoming the girls in our society.
  19. Ambika

    Ambika New Member

    Sorry, but this is just typical glorification of Indian/Hindu nationalism and denial of actual reality.

    Yes we have goddesses and the same men who worship those goddesses commit female infanticide because to them the female is inferior and think nothing of beating their wives.

    Sonia Gandhi is a woman --- and rapes continue unabated.

    There are legendary women --- and brides are burnt for dowry, girl children are denied education and adequate meals and health care, to bear daughters bring stigma and torture on mothers. But because Indian women are epitome of love, affection, care, sacrifice and selflessness, they should just put up with it.

    sorry, but again such glorification of a few and putting Indian women on a moral pedestal HIDES the pervasive problems.

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