Hello to all You say women can ask men should answer. Please get someone to ask something only then things will start moving. Regards
okie ill start Hello Guys do you really think that reservation for women is necessary in india?? or its totally unfair!!
ok I need to ask a question, What do men think about a girl who is bold enough to walk upto a guy and tell him her feelings?
He feel the same as girl feel when boy says his feeling but outcome may not be same he may not slap as girls do
.... @Krantibharatkibeti Social justice and equality is the purpose of Reservation. But in India it's a different story due to vote bank politics, mixture of extreme religions, castes, etc.....so I think reservation for poor and physically, mentally challenged people is right. But no reservation on the basis of gender. @Tinkerbell Well everyone is different...but public display of feelings or even shy hints makes guys uneasy. Gals should propose (If guy is too shy to say anything) ......when no ones there.
I dont know about all but as of me i dont think anything bad about girl and i feel myself happy to attact a Girl )
ok, another question, why is that most of the time, Most GOOD LOOKING Men (atleast what I've noticed), are with not-that-good-looking girl? I have always failed to understand this, anytime i see a guy and tell myself, " boy, he is cute" , from nowhere a really Fat, ugly lady will come around. God, this question bugs the hell out of me!!!
Answer is hidden in Human Anthropology/psychology. Answer is hidden in fact that most smart men look smart because they put more brains into maintaining their looks over getting a sound carrer, and instinctively women choose men who will be better husband and father and who are economically more stable as better halves, smart guys are left aside for flirting purpose [Don't agree? watch American Pie: Beta House]. My contribution: Smart men have high libido, they will hit the first one they are likely to get, and since most women are not naturally fairy-types..they have to be content with the lesser ones, love is blind isn't it?
I know why women chose what they chose , but wasnt really aware about men. anyway, yes I've seen Beta house, AWESOME movie . lol...went back to my school days! thanks for the reply though
25 and already a CEO...umm..I am sure many girls in your office would be ready to tingle and mingle lol
ok next question, What was Adam thinking when he decided to eat the apple, and even make Eve eat it!!! All sinister Men will be able to reply to this one