Why people leave India and stay in abroad ?

Discussion in 'Indians Abroad' started by Yogesh, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. Yogesh

    Yogesh New Member

    I sometimes wonder, why people are so craze that they leave India and settle in abroad, when we have such a beautiful country. And after going there they recognize that they miss India, and few don't even recognize they just forget our country.. I just hate this

  2. RaNimIrAJi

    RaNimIrAJi New Member

    Yea..thts why i am still wondering why my great granfather came to singapore.
    And also why my granfather and father choose to stay here. But if u came to singapore u'll know why.(no insult to india).But anyways...i wud like to migrate to india after i complete my education.. hopefully.I have always wanted to live in the land of my forefathers.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  3. Sampson Reagan

    Sampson Reagan New Member

    i want to work abroad to earn a suitable income which i can render my services at..my age.
  4. manosh2008

    manosh2008 New Member

    Indians working abroad

    I am proud to be an Indian, even though my ambition in my life was to become a sincere soldier to serve my country, but the opportunities are not given to a person like me. I am very sorry to say that Gods plan towards me was not to serve the Indian armed services but i am presently serving for US army even though i am still an Indian.
  5. vipinchombala

    vipinchombala New Member

    Proud To Be INDIAN

    I am proud to be an Indian, even though my ambition in my life was to become a sincere soldier to serve my country, but the opportunities are not given to a person like me. I am very sorry to say that Gods plan towards me was not to serve the Indian armed services but at present i am working in UAE as a Computer Hardware Engineer, But its an Indian Company
  6. desideepak

    desideepak New Member

    yes I agree yogesh that India is a great country, but not everyone in India is equally lucky. You have to agree that millions of Indians are denied opportunity to live a respectful life because of their caste and rank in society...it is conditions like these and other factors that make people leave India and look for places that offer them greater opportunities..
  7. kousikmca

    kousikmca New Member

    Here goes the Answer..

    Great Indian minds never work for India..
  8. shabarigirish

    shabarigirish New Member


    when i was in india i was also very eager to go abroad and study abd when i cam uk and satyed here i realised how much i love my country, now i decided to get back to india after completing my ms ... jai hind


    You cant say like that everyone want to work for India but its the situvation which brings us here
  10. *A_S_H*

    *A_S_H* New Member

    well our country might be beautiful but its the government that stabilizes the country and in India its a failure,no doubt:(
    A country that has a potential to be the worlds greatest has been made a disaster with the child-like games of our politicians.:mad:
    it is not land that makes up a country's success or anything BUT it is the people.

    the worst people in our country r not just criminals but the Police men, who are SUPPosed to enforce law and order in our country, its a complete joke.
    When i go to my country, as soon as i step at the airport i know i have come somewhere not so pleasant. the mannerism they speak with (not with us, as they respect British nationals, but with the other Indians) is disgraceful, and sickening.

    So why would you not go to somewhere else, where the people are nice and pleasant.
    I am proud to be an Indian even here, but the utter shame lies on the people of authority in India
  11. computer-p4

    computer-p4 New Member

    Why don't you comeback and do something about the problems you stated above. come back and Do your bit to help India and to change India.
  12. pankajIndian

    pankajIndian New Member

    The major reason for the people working abroad is "Money"
    They are well paid in Developed Country.

    In 99% jobs in India, you cant expect a salary to buy your own house in a city. You should have your own business or you have to be a corrupt government employee.

    With the money that you get in salary(in 90%), it's impossible to buy your own house in a city in India.

    But flying to a foreign country is not the solution. We have to find a way here. Can anybody suggest?
  13. anshulyadav

    anshulyadav New Member

    Hey people think its very easy to leave abroad but that is not true... I came for studies and then recession came when I was about to graduate... I had no option except to delay my graduation... even if USA was the most affected country due to recession but I had no option to stay here because I wanted to earn what I spent on my undergrad... that is why I am working in USA. I didn't got admission in good Indian universities that is why I came to USA.

    And why people leave India

    1. Students don't get admission in good colleges so they move abroad for studies.
    2. They don't get good platform for their skills
    3. they don't get enough money...

    I see so many students who hate living abroad away from home but have no option to return back as they r not from so rich family that they should return without earning what they spent and then they are used to this environment and they end up living here.
  14. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    It is bit obvious that to make more money people go and settle there in abroad.. they have to earn more money that they cannot earn here in india.. They go abroad to earn in dollars and pounds and to lead a luxurious life..
  15. crazysarah

    crazysarah New Member

    People leave india and stays in other country because they find the other country more pleasing and the chances of their growth is quite high there.. They earn in pounds and dollars which is just triple and double the amount they earn in India..
  16. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Reasons to leave India

    I personally know a lot Indians leaving India and looking forward to settle in abroad. The Indians are looking forward towards improvements and they are going to foreign for better job opportunities or business. Some people are going to pursue the higher education and research works. Some are already settled and they got the citizenship of the foreign countries.
  17. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    The other shore always seems better

    To put bluntly, most work on foreign soil to earn more. The ones, who have the opportunity, immediately leave for a foreign job. They get better pay for the same work done home, they get better quality living and enjoy better infrastructure. However, considering staying and working in India will not be such a bad idea afterall. India is a fast developing economy and has a great potential.
  18. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    i think i have a small answer

    Yes, this is reklly true that maximum part of our younger generation today is looking forward to work in abroad but this is not at all because India is lacking anywhere behind serving with opportunities or facilities but it is because in India corruption is so high that sincere people dont get a fair chance to grow.

    Eradicate corruption and see your country growing as the most wonderful nation worldwide.

    Jai Hind!

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