Why media is wary using "muslim terrorism"?

Discussion in 'News & Media' started by sara21, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. sara21

    sara21 New Member

    in the last few days, you must have seen newspapers and news channels shouting fearlessly hindu terror, hindu terrorist, or hindu terrorism. just becasue a sadhvi has been arrested in connection with a bomb blast.

    but why didn't they shout muslim terror, muslim terrorism and muslim terrorist when tauquir was arrested, when afzal was covicted, when sardar nagori was charged and when abu bashar was incriminated.

    why the media is emphasizing the hindu element in terrorism and ignoring the muslim element in terrorism?

    some channels are calling ABVP a hindu terrorist organisation? but i have never heard any writer and chennel call simi a muslim terrorist organisation

    when a muslim is caugth it is only 'terrorism"

    but when a hindu is arrested it is hindu terrorism?

    why this double standard?

  2. Akbar

    Akbar New Member

    There is no Hindu or Muslim terrorism.

    You are correct in saying media keeps coining unnecessary phrases to grab attention. They just want to catch the eye rather than giving realistic news. There is nothing called "Islamic" or "Hindu" terrorism. These are actions of fanatics or mentally disoriented people. I fail to see any advantage to Muslims or Hindus or to any general citizen by spreading fear and hatred. Also, media appear to jump into conclusions without waiting for the actual facts and figures coming out of the judicial system. They give labels and give decisions as if they represent the public. Many times you can see they conclude on issues based on SMS polls. These are gimmicks without any proofs whatsoever. But the results of these gimmicks devastating and tarnishing images of religious communities.

    In my opinion, it was started by the western media when Al Quida made terror attacks in USA. They wanted to use this attack as a reason to blame the muslims world over and used it as a weapon against Iraq. Indian media too followed suit and started this branding as Islamic terror. As a Muslim, I am appalled and embarassed at the bad picture created because of this. Terrorism needs to be dealt with strong will and all of them involved should be given model punishment without considering their religion or community.
  3. RaNimIrAJi

    RaNimIrAJi New Member

    This is exactly wat i was pondering abt. I guess india is tryin its very best to tell plp muslims are not the only ones capable of terrorism. It just seems like all along they were waiting for a hindu to be a terrorist.Anyway, its a proven fact tht india has always been afraid of hurting islamic sentiments.Thiss has not been the case for hindus.Even recently the tamil nadu cheif minister critisied hindus for wearing tilak or bindi and wearing a mangalasutra.india is a nation of majority hindus..the birthplace of hinduism.But was there much outrage? Imagine wat would have happened if he had critised the muslims wearing a burqa or reading the koran.I bet the entire muslim community arn the world wud have rose against him with fatwas to add.I guess he ll probably bi shot or sumthin.
    so fren, now do u see why the indian media is sooo scared to label terrorist as muslims...but freely award the tittle to hindus?
  4. rozi.bush

    rozi.bush New Member

    I think its couse of first time fact. people never heard about Hindu terrerism and people are habitual and filling less with Muslim terrerism and so they will never interested in any news related to it except big one and so news channle are doing this. Never make mistake to understand them country lovevr they are doing business nothing else.

    To hell with country and to hell with people nothing else they are thinking.
  5. indianagainstterror

    indianagainstterror New Member

    A quote

    It is not that all muslims are terrorists. But when you evaluate, most of terrorists are muslims. May be that is the reason why its told "Muslim Terrorism".

    What media people will do. They also have a stomach to fill. sometimes they make RAJ Thakeray hero and sometimes they will make Laloo Prasad Yadav a gentleman. They can do anything. So better swim with the flow. Be a celebrity and take the advantage of media. Use them properly as per your requirement.

    Thanks & Regards,
  6. GANESH111

    GANESH111 New Member

    ya get them into ring

    Media is to be get into ring...a hindu will never be a terrorist.
  7. vicky

    vicky New Member

    Terrorism and media's role.

    I think the discussion weather terrorism is Hindu or Muslim is pointless. Have any one met or spoken to any victim of terrorism. What difference it makes to him if he was affected by a Hindu or Muslim terrorist. A terrorist has no religion and no religion allows terrorism.

    We must as a civilized society unite to stamp out all anti social elements irrespective of our religion.Media is also influenced in our country by different factors so we must learn not to take all news on face value.
  8. hitesh2108

    hitesh2108 New Member

    Indian media does not report news, but make news and gossips.
  9. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    Yes, the damage done (in terms of life & property) by so called Hindu Terrorists is surely not even 1% in compared to deaths, damage by other communities in that year (even leave the History). But the footage, hype given to "Hindu Terrorism" by Media and over-secular Government is way too much then other types of terrorism...if one is really categorizing terrorism!

    I condemn any type of terrorism but I also condemn these double standards in media coverage, official statements by Political leaders.
  10. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    i think it is senselessness and absurdity on media's counterpart to use such such words against such people who are unfortunately Hindu. it should not show such partiality in using such sensitive words as it hurts the sentiments of people of india. i think media should apologize for such contradictory words used.
  11. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    This is really a wrong stand taken by the indian media and political leaders. Categorizing the terrorism is a wrong thing because in our nation we never had any terrorism of any kind based on religion. So religion-based terrorism was never an issue in india. It was only after the terrorism from islamic countries got introduced, the term hindu terrorism was coined which is highly uncalled for. This is because islamic terrorism or muslim terrorism is the word coined by the west not indians!. So it would be unjust if there is any use of words like hindu terrorism because it barely exists.
  12. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    Terrorism is not by Hindu or by Muslim.Its not a Hindu-Muslim war.Terrorism actually incubates due to selfish motives in an individual and he uses the rest of the people for his cause.Indian media plays a big role in triggering communalism.Communalism and terrorism are anti social activities.Media shoudldn`t increase these issues by providing gossip news.They should try to cool down both the communities and encourage peace meetings.It should be remembered that no Hindu and no Muslim is a born terrorist.

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