When will India become a developed nation?

Discussion in 'India' started by Sunirmal Ray, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Sunirmal Ray

    Sunirmal Ray New Member

    In this context I have some specific questions which any learned friend may come forward with correct answers.

    1. what is the per capital income of Indian in 09-10
    2. what is the correct %of BPL in 09-10
    3. what is the correct % of literacy rate after 62 years of independence.
    4. How many qualified doctors available per thousand population of India?
    5. how many trained teachers available per 100 students in primary education?
    6.What is the consumption rate of fuel by Indian Population
    7.What is the domestic consumption rate of electricity by Indian population
    8.What % of population covered by Telecommunication net work
    9. what % of population covered by pure drinking water supply
    10. what % of population owned Pacca house in urban & rural India
    11. What % of population can avail rail/road transportation.
    12.what is the debt ratio to GDP
    13.what is the fiscal deficit ratio to GDP
    14.what is the export import ratio to GDP
    15. what is the total Income tax payee in India
    16 What is the correct figure of foreign currency reserve ratio to population &
    17. what is total expenses incurred by govt.for irrigation,R&D, sports,health
    service including social sectors and what is the ratio towards population.
    18. What is the saving ratio of per capita income.

    Those figures if analyze graphically may give the real picture of when India will become developed and how long shall remain developing.

  2. Rohit RK

    Rohit RK New Member

    Transforming India

    some of us reflected on how much India had changed over the last six decades.The change, no doubt, is substantial.

    Till recently, we were talking of low, single-digit economic growth
    Now we are talking double-digit economic growth rates.

    Till recently, we were talking of a depreciating rupee.
    Now we are talking of an appreciating rupee.

    Till recently, we were talking of investments coming into India.
    Now we are talking of investments going out of India.

    Till recently, we were talking of unemployment.
    Now we are talking of nearing full employment.

    Till recently, we were talking of a supply-driven economy.
    Now we are talking of a demand-driven economy.

    India is turning a new leaf, no doubt.But the change must be faster.It needs to be inclusive.

    Jai Hind!
  3. Desi

    Desi New Member

    not only faster, the development should also be uniform.
    If the rich people continue to be richer and the condition of the poor remains the same, it cannot be called development in the real sense of the term.
    The waves of development have to touch everyone.
  4. manpreet

    manpreet New Member

    Things need to change.. the conditions should become in the favor of the citizen of the India.. not only for teh richer the country should look developed but also for teh poorer it should be like heaven.. then only India can be categorized as a developed nation..
  5. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    The day people of india realizes their duties well and politicians do their part well at that day india would developed into a developed nation.. It is very important to rise oneself to make things better..
  6. Travelindia

    Travelindia New Member

    When will India develope

    It's been long that we are hearing that India is a developing nation. Now there are some chances that we are seeing India growing fast on economically, infrastructural and technically and all these are really going to put India on the list of developed nations. But to speed up all these process, we need to eradicate, poverty, illiteracy and corruption. As citizens of the country we need to understand that it’s our moral duty to share this load of responsibility and jointly take step in developing our own country.
  7. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    india can become a developed nation if the development is seen in all the sections. if development is concentrated only towards one section like economy, then other sections like education, agriculture, healthcare would stand back and again there would be need of development in those sections.
  8. R2India

    R2India New Member

    india is yet developing and there is lot of time ahead to see india developed. we need to evolve and learn out of our mistakes. mainly our government should come out of corruption and work more faithfully for the people. then only there could be some hopes to see india developed in right direction.
  9. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    indian is a developing nation and until the corruption is removed and a strong millitary and government is established that work for the protection of the country as well as the ration of poor and middle class is removed or become equal the india can never become a developed nation. It will still be under developing countries category.
  10. 8pmnews

    8pmnews New Member

    India is already Developed Nation. 50 percent of are working in Us .Many of earned Great Position in different Nation.

    We Indians are Great so, India Is Great , Indian People are developing well So, We can say that India is developed Nation.
  11. Leader

    Leader New Member

    India is not a developed nation. It will become developed only when there will be no poverty and every one has a same standard of living. working in US does not make india a developed nation. though we have got many powers to become a developed nation but still we are far far behind the other developed nations like US, Japan, Russia..
  12. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    There is a time for india to fall in the category of developed nation. There is still the problem of hunger, corruption, poverty and beggary are prevailing and in this situation it cannot called be a developed country. Developed country is the one that does not have a single person who lives in poverty and half of teh indians are living below the poverty line. SO the time the ratio becomes balanced, india will be known as the developed nation.
  13. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Just by working in US will not make india a developed nation.. What about those thousands and lakhs of poor people who are involved in the business of beggary and lives below the poverty line., they are unable to manage their one day meal and dieing due to hunger and diseases? India will become a developed nation only when people of india will enjoy their rights and manage to have 3 times meals a day and lives in a good condition.

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