When Ethnic Groups Ask for a Separate Identity: Impact on the National Identity

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Many new states have been created and recreated in India for a long time back, but what does it actually signify to have a separate identity even while accommodating in a secular and a democratic nation. India is a one big identity that represents twenty-eight states and seven union territories. But when there are certain ethnic groups or communities living in the state begin to ask for a separate identity, then it surely leaves an impact on the national identity as a whole. Foremost, it is essential to know that why do some ethnic groups for a separate identity. Apparently there is a kind of insecurity within those groups that led them to believe that among the various ethnicities there own identity is endangered, perhaps they will not have suffice opportunities to be availed and moreover, they must have been subjected to cultural sufferings and discrimination that is why an ethnic group becomes rebellious in order to demand its own separate identity in a single nation. Such separatist movements surely do impact the national identity; the national unity gets into trouble.

    While seeing one ethnic group involved in separatist movement the backward, oppressed groups of people also get their feeling strengthened and they rather seek for union within their own community instead of restrengthening the national unity at a broad level. Separatism is a threat to the national unity and identity. India has been popular for its unity in diversity, but having separatism is completely a different story wherein the people would rather be self centered for their own community and ethnicity and not for the nation as a whole.

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