Equality is the keynote to empower the women's section of our country. When they would be equally treated and brought up, they would automatically become confident and self-reliant. Thus equality has to be present at all the levels and in all the phases of their lives. Equal treatment, liberty and freedom would actually free the minds of the girl from all kinds of anxieties and insecurities and this would encourage them to do such tasks which are usually not supposed to be meant for them. There are many examples of young girls and women who had been brought up in a very open atmosphere in which they were provided full freedom of expression, and most importantly Equal treatment similar to the treatment given to the boys/sons in the family. And this had immensely worked out well for them. They admit that having got the equal treatment in the family they were able to gain self-confidence, and were able to do many challenging things in their lives. Women are never weaker it is the unequal societal treatment and biases towards them that make them weak and insecure.