What Role State Should Play In Education?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Campus, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    As far as the role of the State in educational matters is concerned, there are two major opinions. One Opinion is that the State should not interfere in the education of its citizens. The Other Opinionis in favor of complete control over education by the State. Here, the State has the responsibility of not only establishing educational institutions but also running and regulating them. This responsibility included the task of preparing the syllabus, appointing teachers, giving training to them, conducting examinations, and awarding degrees.

    These two opinions reflect the existing situation in the two types of States. The confusion is still existing in many minds about the relation between the State and education. The best method seems to be that State should keep control over the organization of education but must not meddle with the day to day business of educational institutions. Education is basically a social function and the State must make arrangements for its fulfillment. Hence, it should give sufficient freedom to the educationists so that they can chalk out their own educational programmes without any interference by the State. The State should keep a watch over the spread of education and the measures for the social upliftment of the citizens. Wherever it finds deficiencies in the developmental works the State must take adequate measures to rectify them.

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