India has achieved Independence from British rule 65 years ago and since then the nation is progressing and growing from every aspect. Indian women are gaining importance and are slowly regaining their lost status. However, we have a long way to go to remove the long persisting gender gap and male favoritism from our society. Empowerment literally means to equip or supply with ability, however, empowerment has various meaning and differs from person to person. We often keep complaining about the status of Indian women and lots of other things related to them but we are more liberated than the women of Middle-East nation or rather the Muslim countries where women are not allowed to move out without a veil or rather the parda system exist in those societies. Although our women faces several issues and fall victims of various violence and crimes, but we are still not bound by such kinds of things and women can rather move freely in India and wear anything one wishesto. Indian society has developed and has become liberal to a remarkable extent and women are given priority. In my opinion this is what women empowerment is. We are now allowed to decide our own destiny, career and make choice about whether or not to get married. Girls are given quality education and they are no longer considered as economic liability. In recent time, women have achieved the summit of triumph and glory and have left their marks on every field be it politics, economics, education, science, sports or business. Indian women are today no longer dependent on anyone and are capable of shaping their own destiny and they also know about their rights and this helps them to fight for justice. Education has made Indian Women more powerful and has helped them in leaving their marks in various fields. Today, India can boast on the women as they have managed to bring glory to the nation. I agree that there are several issues that we, as women face in our day-to-day lives but this does not mean that women are still considered to be the weaker section of the society. Indian women have emerged as a strong entity not only today but since the ancient times. Empowerment of Women solely does not mean to become economically independent but according to me, empowerment of women is that allows women to take their own decision for the benefit of the society and family. It means to be intellectually more developed and this is possible only with education. To me it means to know the rights that are conferred by the laws of the land and to be able to fight for the rights as well as justice whenever needed. To me empowerment of women means to be respected by our male members and not to treat us as an object. To me empowerment of women means to get the freedom and chance to raise our voices against injustice and be heard and there should be no gender discrimination. However, these are my definition for empowerment of women. What is your definition of Women empowerment in India?
Women Empowerment in India is possible only with gender equality. Although women have reached the zenith of success and achievements, they are still not treated as equal to the male members of the society. Women empowerment to me means that Women should be treated with equality and every women should be free from all the social evils that are still present in our society.