White Collar Crimes is a name ascribed to criminal activity that takes place in a background that is supposed to be a professional business atmosphere that is categorized as maintaining an eminent social or economic position. The expression White Collar Crimes is derivative of the concept of ‘White Collar’ employment. It is crime commited by the bureaucrats or better said as a crime committed under the table. It is normally committed to keep up the fake fame and status they lead for which their sallary is not enough. White Collar crime is committed in every profession be it medical, legal, education etc. The punisment for such cirme is fine or imprisonment or both depending on the graveness of the crime. Ususally, such cirminals are hard to track as it is not done openly.
White Collar Crime is increasing in India and all the bureaucrats and politicians are involved in such crimes. But there are no laws that governs such crimes and it is becoming rampant in India. This is a crime that is committed by every high-level officer from every profession but there should be laws that needs to stop such crimes and this will help in reducing the increasing corruption in our nation that is spreading like epidemic.
White collar crime in easy words is the corruption that takes place under the table and this is becoming rampant in our country. Since it is hard to prove white collar crimes, it is hard to punish or even convict anyone who is involved in such activities. White Collar crime is increasing in India and no profession is spared from it. It is even prevalent in the legal profession and since it is hard to detect, the white collar criminals moves openly.