What is meant by Judicial Seperation?

Discussion in 'Law & Judiciary' started by Gas, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Judicial separation is a decree of the court necessitating a married couple to stop living together but not breaking up the marriage. Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 provides for judicial separation. It is a legal process by which a married couple may sanctify a genuine separation while enduring legally married. A legal separation is contracted in the form of a court order, which can be in the form of a legitimate approval decree. The most general basis for filing with the courts for a legal separation is to make pro tem fiscal whereabouts for the two of them, such as deciding which one will pay which bills, have power over which property, and whether one of them shall give the other provisional pecuniary support.

  2. traveller

    traveller New Member

    You have explained Judicial Separation quite well but I would like to know does it always leads to divorce? During legal separation of a married couple, if they have children, with whom will the children live? What is the period of judicial separation that one has to undergo before getting finally divorced? Can they separately for life time without getting divorced?

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