What does FREEDOM mean to you PROUD INDIANS ?

Discussion in 'India' started by Rashi, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Rashi

    Rashi New Member

    Well Freedom is probably the most disturbing as well as comforting issue to most Indians , irrespective of which Region , religion , gender , caste , Section , class they belong to. Conflicts rise in demand of freedom, and are settled easily by providing one. But the most difficult aspect is who defines freedom ? I might believe that the freedom of speech is important, other might feel the freedom to choose your life partner should be given, whereas some others still might believe that freedom to drink and smoke is essential. So lets get to know how versatile freedom can be and WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU! Don't restrict yourself! Be Free!
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  2. sktiwari

    sktiwari New Member

    Freedom of speech, work and thought is of prime importance rest all are secondary.Take the case of the most suppressed household lady from Indian scene. If at all the ladies are allowed to speak out they may survive all sort of ill treatment being met out to Indian ladies in general.
  3. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Freedom merely does not mean those that are conferred to the citizens of India by the Constitution. However, even those freedom or fundamental rights are now-a-days confined mostly to the books. Every freedom comes with restrictions and hence there are no absolute freedom or rights. Even people are now-a-days deprived of the freedom to choose the government, which is the essence of democracy. Freedom to live a life of human dignity has been restricted by crimes like honor killing, domestic violence, dowry death etc. Will there be freedom in it true sense ever?
  4. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    Freedom means the right to do whatever we want to do keeping in mind the obligations or the limitations set by the constitution of India.Freedom should not be confused as doing anything which can affect the country or harm any one.We should use this term in doing positive things.
  5. bharat

    bharat New Member

    There can be no absolute freedom and they always comes with certain restrictions. Freedom is basically the right to do anything keeping in mind the limits. The Constitution of India has guaranteed certain fundamental rights or freedom. Freedom is loved by everyone and should be enjoyed keeping in mind the limitations.
  6. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Every individual has there own definition of freedom. For some freedom is the liberty to do whatever they want be it good or bad, right or wrong. However, for me freedom is the liberty to do things that are in conformity with the societal norms. Freedom is never absolute as this can create havoc in the society and thus always has certain restrictions in order to maintain certain norms. The Indian Constitution confers the citizens with certain rights and freedom but these freedom are also not absolute and comes with certain restrictions. Thus it can be said that there is no freedom that is absolute and the limitations that are imposed needs to be followed to enjoy the freedom.
  7. seema

    seema New Member

    According me freedom means more responsibility. Its right that freedom is liberty to do whatever we want to but it is accompanied by responsibility and we should know our responsibility while exercising our freedom. Our Constitution guarantees us with some freedoms and rights but we can exercise it only by being responsible citizens. Freedom that we are given should not be misused and exercised with responsibility.

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