It is true of the Indian society that it always had a clear vision about "what aspects of life were sought to be modernized and in what manner? However, this question seemed to pose a serious challenge but the Indian society sought to face this challenge in its own unique way. At the Social level, We wanted social relations to be based on concepts like equality, human dignity, and social values which would ensure social mobility, removal of caste disabilities, amelioration of the conditions of women and so forth. At the Economic level We wanted technological growth and distributed justice. At the Cultural level We wanted secularism, rationalism and liberalism. At the Political level We desired representative government, democratic institution, achievement -- oriented power structure and a greater voice and participation for Indians in the governance of the country. Indian society very well apprehend the means of these desired aspects that are -- planning, education, legislation, assistance from foreign countries, adopting the policy of liberalization and the like.