What are SOPA & PIPA ?

Discussion in 'Technology' started by shivanigupta, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. shivanigupta

    shivanigupta New Member

    Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) & the Protect IP Act (PIPA). The purpose of these two acts is to make it harder for sites — especially those located outside the United States of America - to sell or distribute pirated copyrighted material such as movies and music as well as physical goods. They are both the same thing – They are bills which are under discussion in both houses of the parliament in United States – SOPA introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate version is PIPA. The protest initiated by Wikipedia and followd by some other big companies like Google against the SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA - Prevent IP Act has caught everyone's attention .

    What are your views on the SOPA & PIPA . Lets debate on SOPA , PIPA and What do they mean to Indian IT companies ? For those who are not aware of the acts can click here to LEARN MORE

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