We are Proud to be Indian

Discussion in 'India' started by Youth, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Youth

    Youth Moderator

    Namaste India :)

    Nothing can be greater than the motherland. No religion, no caste, no race, no language can be greater than our country. Our country occupies the first place in our heart. And we are proud of it and we are proud to call ourselves Indian first. It’s the spirit of unity that has been tying us together throughout the ages.

    So many storms have come, so many earthquakes shook our country, even after that we proclaim, “We are Indians, no one can divide us, no force in the world can defeat us. From Kashmir to Kerala, from Gujarat to Meghalaya, the hearts of millions of Indians beat as one. And it’s the essence of Indianness. And we are proud of it.

    Remember the days, when Indians from each and every corner of the world offered a helping hand and donated whatever they could for the relief of the Tsunami victims in Andaman & Nicobar. Yes, the essence of being Indianness can cross the seas and reach even the smallest part of the country for the help of our fellow country men. And we are proud of it.

    Millions of Indians cheers together when Sachin Tendulkar hits a boundary. And all of us celebrate the victory of India . Perhaps nowhere in the world so many people express their feeling so emotionally in any incident of the world.

    Indianness is not confined within the boundaries of our country. It has also reached the foreign countries inhabited by the NRIs. We are amazed to feel the pulses of the NRIs and the PIOs who throng to participate in the Prravashi Bharatiya Diwas. We know about their feelings for their land of origin and we are proud of it.

    We are proud of India . And we are proud to be Indian.

    Jai Hind

    Mujhe Bharatiya Hone par Garv hai !

  2. gentleman

    gentleman New Member

    I am proud to be an Indian

    India’ is that name which when uttered by any true patriot gives him or her indomitable strength. Presently, India is the biggest democracy in the world having a population more than 1.18 million. From the ancient times, India had remained a popular land among the Europeans because of its commercial and cultural importance. India is the birth place of some of the major religions of the world, namely, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. In the sphere of literature and arts India demands a predominant position. The Vedas, Gita, Ramayana and Mahabharata were all born in India. The temples of Southern India like Tirupati Tirumala Balaji Temple, Meenakshi Temple, Guruvayoor Temple and others are works of architecture, which are adored by the world. Taj Mahal which was rated as the 1st among the Seven Wonders of the World is located in India. India also has got enormous contributions in the fields of Science.

    Aryabhatta opened a new era in the field of Mathematics by introducing the use of place value system and zero. Other great men in the fields of Literature, Science and Philosophy are R. Tagore, C.V. Raman, Amartya Sen all are Indians. Freedom fighters of India need a mention because of their unique methods that they had adapted to free India of the British reign. Mahatma Gandhi regarded as the greatest advocate of non-violence was an Indian. We regard him as the ‘Father of the Nation’ in India.

    Recently, India became the fifth country to have a distinctive symbol of its currency. In the field of sports Indians have achieved notable victories both in the past as well as the present times. The Indian cricket team holds the first rank in tests while it stands second in ODIs. Vishwanathan Anand, the chess Grandmaster and the present World Chess Champion also hail from India.
  3. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    I really feel proud to be born in the Land of India which is also considered to the land of Gods. There are many reasons that makes me proud to be an India and among them is the diverse geography of India which offers the pleasure of witnessing the beauty of the beaches, snow-capped mountains and deserts. This is the only nation that hosts so many diversities and these makes India a unique nation.

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