We are proud as Indians

Discussion in 'India' started by Junoon, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Junoon

    Junoon New Member

    In the process of evolution of a nation, people take pride in the past. They often hark back to the glorious past. Indians are also no exception. With more than 3000 years old history of a civilization, India today stands tall among the comity of nations. Today, India is one of the fastest growing emerging nations in the world. When the entire world was reeling under the impact of the global financial meltdown, Indian economy was still shining bright. The world looked for Indian palliatives to get out of the crisis.

    Today every Indian feels Proud to be an Indian. We are proud of the nation's glowing clout: economically, politically as well as culturally. Indian flag is flying high everywhere in the globe. When our Prime Minister addresses the United Nations or any other international forum, the global leaders listen to him with rapt attention.

    Culturally also India is one of the most diverge nations on Earth. India represents a fine testimony of unity amidst diversity and every Indian takes pride in this rich diversity of a nation that has joined the big bandwagon of the richest and wealthiest nations. India's growing prowess is unmatched.

    We as Indians can definitely feel proud of our rich heritage, the symbol of love, a dream of love on sculpted on marble (Taj Mahal), the rich legacy of our Apostle of Truth and Non-violence (Mahatma Gandhi), whom the world still holds in great reverence. We can feel proud of our sports icons who have scaled new heights in their sport events and have made the nation proud. Batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar has indeed kept India's tricolor flying high by his batting magic. This living legend has many records to his credit. He is like an ever burning flame in the palace of cricketing world. Every sport loving Indian is proud of Sachin, a sports icon for people of all ages. India is a unique example of religious and cultural harmony. Unity and brotherhood among people of different religions makes the country one of the most tolerant and liberal in the world. Here Hindus embrace their Muslim counterparts during Id, and Muslims greet their Hindu brethren during the Festival of Light (Deepawali). Such a bonhomie and brotherhood bring tears on our eyes. Indeed we are fortunate to be born in this fabulous country, a country with unparalleled manifestation of religious and cultural tenets and creeds.

    Proud Indian

  2. National

    National New Member

    india is truly a wonderland with so many diverse monuments, geographies, history which is very rich of tales to tell, various cultures and traditions, their origins, the mythological tales and the list goes very long.. though we have such diversities, we still stand one as a nation with no difference in feelings.. and i feel proud to be a part of it as an indian :D
  3. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Who will not? I am also proud to be born and bought up in the country that has given me so much in terms of eduction, food, clothing, shelter and money. Moreover, this is not just the reason to feel proud but the diversity of india and the values of indian culture is something which is unique and cannot be compared by any other culture. I am of course feel proud as an indian.

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