War on terror costs Pakistan Rs 2 trillion

Discussion in 'World' started by sara21, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. sara21

    sara21 New Member

    Pakistan has spent over Rs 2082.942 billion on the 'war on terror' since 2004, a document released by the Ministry of Finance said today.This included direct cost of Rs 450.222 billion and indirect cost of Rs 1632.720 billion, said the Draft Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper-II, released at Islanabad.The economy suffered direct and indirect losses in terms of exports, foreign investment, privatisation, industrial production and tax collection because of the continuing war on terror.


  2. vicky

    vicky New Member

    This the amount the Paki generals have gobbled in the name of war on terror ….not to mention some money spent on the anti India terror camps and logistics.
  3. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    That actually has to be US aid, begging is Pakistan's oldest profession.
    Rs 2082.942 billion Pakistani currency = $ 25.00 billion (approx).
    Shows, how much blood Pakistan can suck in the name of eliminating terror, when all they are doing is creating more and more jihadis.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009
  4. pankajIndian

    pankajIndian New Member

    Wipe out the supporters of terror from Pakistan's administration

    Unless Pakistan controls its own people who are assisting and supporting terror, all the spending on war is useless. Pakistan must have to control the supporters of terrorist i its own administration.
  5. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    And you seriously believe Pakistan would do that? :p
    There would be no serious foreign policy diktats if Pakistan did the least possible.
    Just my 2 cents.....
  6. Kabul

    Kabul New Member

    americans are paying the money, but it does have other implications for pakistan.
  7. Desi

    Desi New Member

    America is paying the money, because America also does not feel safe if Pakistan continues to be the centre of terrorism.

    Pakistan must have to act against the terrorist, otherwise it will ruin Pakistan itself.
  8. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    I did not quite comprehend it!!
    Could you please explain a bit?
  9. Kabul

    Kabul New Member

    Financially pakistan doesnt need to worry as americans assist them. But in terms of war, destruction, question of stability, using their energy for the internal conflict is all the unpleasant side for pakistan. they created the taliban and now the taliban are biting their own master.
  10. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    Is there anything left there to get ruined? One more failed state in our vicinity :rolleyes:
  11. Kabul

    Kabul New Member

    Pakistan was quite fine when the taliban ruined afghanistan, but now they are having a taste of their own medicine.
  12. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    'As you sow; so shall you reap' is the buzz word here

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