Vote for India

Discussion in 'India' started by Rekha, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Rekha

    Rekha New Member

    India is considered to be World's largest democracy but in the present time, democracy in India is just confined within the books. An important and integral component of any democratic system is election. It is the power conferred to the citizens of a democratic nation to elect their own leaders to run the nation. However, today it has been witnessed that majority of the eligible people do not exercise their right to vote. On the election day, most people consider it as a holiday and makes plan for outings with family and friends intead of voting. They think that how does a single vote matter? or they give excuses that there are no good candidate, so whom to vote? But the truth is that every single vote is important as it can change the nation.

    Power of your VOTE

    All the reasons that are given by the people provides an astonishing fact. As per the statistics, only 54% of the total number of voters cast their votes on the day of election. As democratic form of government means " for the people, by the people and of the people and after seeing the statistics, does democracy really exsit in India? If we go deeper, we can see that the winning party just gets about 16 to 20 % of votes and thus only this 16 to 20% of the total population choose a leader for the whole nation and the fate of the whole country is dependent of this group. Every single vote is important in order to change the fate of the nation. By not casting your vote, you are creating a never ending vicious circle wherein, the winning candidate will serve the voters who made them win and overlook the problems of the non-voters. Eventually, the non-voters will lose faith in the system. Another important thing is that by not exercising your voting rights, you are also losing your right to complain. With every single vote, you can change the nation.

    Youth Must Vote

    Presently, the concept of democracy is only for those 16 to 20% voters but this can be changed by casting your vote. If every eligible voter of the nation gives their vote to a Honest candidate, then we can get a Honest leader, who has the capability to change India and make it into a more developed and better nation to live. Hence it is important for every voter to undstand that a single vote can help in making a better India.

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