Violence In Kashmir

Discussion in 'Terrorism in India' started by Tiger, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Tiger

    Tiger New Member

    When all the anti-Indian elements are inciting the simple people of Kashmir against India, when the Pakistan sponsored elements are playing with the blood of innocent Kashmiris for their vested interest. Indian Government must have to punish those masterminds to solve the problem at its root. All associated with inciting violence must be taught a lesson. The separatists are taking undue advantage on the liberal policies of India.

    Our home ministry has interpreted a call where two separatist leaders (Ghulam Ahmed Dar) and Shabir Ahmad Wani are planning to incite the mob and get at least 15 Kashmiris killed so that the situation goes out of control. Wani was also telling Dar that they are enjoying the money and not doing anything.

    See, the love of the separatists for Kashmiris. They need the blood of the innocent Kashmiris to destabilize India. They are paying the anti national elements to create disturbances.

    Lets all Indian nationalists join hands to tackle the Pakistan sponsored propaganda.

    We, more than 100 crore Indians are more than enough to give a fitting reply to 15 crore Pakistanis. Revive the patriotism in you. It’s the time to act. The nation needs you. No need to go anywhere. You can serve the nation simply sitting at your home or office.

    Let’s give a reply to the propaganda that the Pakistanis are creating on Facebook, Youtube, Orkut and other media platforms. Let us educate our Kashmiri brothers about the game that Pakistan is playing with their blood.

    Jai Hind.

  2. Alok.nath

    Alok.nath New Member

    Geelani's gameplan exposed

    Reports of the involvement of Kashmiri separatists in fueling violence is drawing angry reactions.Questions are being asked over how the hard line separatists were in touch with their Pakistani handlers and were being directed to fuel violence. In fact intelligence intercepts of phone conversations between two senior office-bearers of Syed Ali Shah Geelani's party are on tape talking about ways to create casualties. It just exposes Gilani's sinster designs and questions their claims of human rights violations.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Violence in Kashmi should be immediately stopped

    Kashmir is India's crown and a heaven that Lord has gifted to Indians. So, how can we just sit back and see some stupid minds playing with the lives of so many innocent people in Kashmir thereby converting this heaven in to a hell just like that?

    It is an important need of today that Indian government should take some immediate steps to save our Kashmiri brothers from being prey to the violent activities there.

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