US Vacates Pakistan Airfield.

Discussion in 'World' started by nidhisood, May 1, 2011.

  1. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    Amid growing protests against it, United States is moving out of an airfield from Pakistan to Afghanistan to carry out drone attacks inside Pakistan. US has maintained the drone attacks will not stop. US should have by now realised the futility of expecting Pakistan to make a move against terrorism and is hence taking matters in its own hands.

  2. R2India

    R2India New Member

    i think it is the right thing america has done because it is time we should fight against terrorism as the nations like pakistan are doing nothing from their side. moreover the terror bases are located in pakistan and it is contradicting that it has no hands in perpetrating terrorism. even india should be ready from its side to extend hand against terror fight as its a global issue.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Broadly speaking, while justice as well as rights are refused to any individual over a long period of time, then the individual tends to left with 2 options, first is to bear the conditions with immense patience or to react angrily. The second reaction culminates in to terrorism.apart from these things, scattering of commercial hatred, separatist tendency and religious frenzy etc. are some tools that terrorists usually use. Guns as well are used to get the so called specified mission. Redicalism, Fanaticism, extremism, separatism, activism and militancy etc. are other manifestations or names.

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