Unique Insights and Skill Set Help Solving Societal Issues

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    It is a matter to ponder upon that what do we really need to bring a change in the society and how could the societal issues be resolved in an assuring way? If we look at the history of the Indian society it was never vacant of issues and was always dealing with some social problem. But there were also great individuals who tried to resolve those social problems with their determination and unusual conviction. No society has been ever free from issues, one issue gets resolved then another arises but what we need is the people with deep insights and skillful minds that can handle the issues with ease. All the people who were able to resolve the issues in the past had nothing miraculous in them but yes! They had enlightened thoughts and skills of leadership and education that inspired them to make the move in the righteous direction. At the present time as well, society needs such awakened individuals who are wise, intellectual and who are sensitive towards the social issues. Arvind Kejriwal is one such name who has set the enormous example of this very aspect. He has made the perfect use of his unique insights and skills to bring a huge social and political change in the Indian society.

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