Unforeseen Consequences of Green Revolution in India on the Child-Health

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Campus, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Undoubtedly Green Revolution has helped in raising the agricultural production and varieties and also in enhancing the quality of production with the usage of various advanced fertilizers, high-yield variety seeds, better irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizers. Farmers are now much aware and smart enough in order to yield and protect the crops. But there is a hidden aspect or we can say some unforeseen consequences that have now been realized by a number of environmentalist and medical practitioners.

    It has been found that the food items that have been produced and protected by various pesticides and fertilizers; have many serious adverse effects on the pregnant women and the infants. Day by day the use of various chemicals profound seeds and fertilizers are used to increase the production, vegetables are now produced in a day, the bottle gourds are now produced overnight just by injecting chemicals in them. Every fruits are now available due to the use of synthetic seeds, but the fruits lack in true flavor and nutrients. Vegetables like peas seem purely fabricated.

    Various artificial colors are used to make the vegetables look greener and fresh. Even pulses and grains are produced by synthetic HYV seeds. Such kind of synthesized and chemical coated food items are totally unsafe in fact; findings tell that the presence of chemicals in fertilizers and water for irrigation increases the chances of infant mortality and especially neo-natal mortality in which the child is born alive but dies in the first month. Besides that, it also increases the chances of diseases like; diarrhea, nutritional problems. Bodily features of Height and weight of the children are also found to be affected. The consequences of these agro-chemical exposure are found to be worse with the poor and illiterate women living in the rural India.

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