Two Best Removers for Blackheads

Discussion in 'Health' started by Woman, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Blackheads are basically the dirt being accumulated in the skin’s open pores, which look like black headed spots, they are commonly found around and on the nose, forehead and chin sometimes. Skin has some open pores which are prone to get filled with dirt and pollution slowly and gradually. If one is too much exposed to sun, dirt and pollution would commonly have blackheads. Cleaning the face on regular intervals is essential otherwise the dirt in the pores would be settled firmly and then it would be very tough and painful to remove those blackheads. Usually girls find it very tough to get the blackheads removed, they not only pay for it in the parlours but also borne a painful procedure to do the same. Hence, in order to avoid that pain and to help you to save some penny I am sharing some very useful tips with you so that you can avoid having blackheads and can also get rid of them easily.

    Apply Colgate

    Twice in a week apply a liberal layer of Colgate tooth paste over the area which is more prone to blackheads or where the blackheads are visible. Let it get dry for few minutes and then without applying water rub that layer in order to remove it. After getting dry it will be little harder to remove but that is exactly what we want. Dried Colgate would take out the blackheads with it very easily and it won’t be painful also. But make sure that you do this on regular basis that would help you a lot.

    Apply Honey

    Honey is one of the best removers for blackheads, apply a liberal layer over the blackheads and let it stay there for few minutes. Later gently massage for 2-3 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Dry and the skin with soft towel.

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