Time to promote the single citizenship in India

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Youth, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Youth

    Youth Moderator

    Creation of a new state will only mean one more division in our country. We call ourselves as Punjabi, Marathi, Bihari and Bengali. And very few of us call ourselves as Indians. The creation of Telengana will add one more division in the list named as Telengani. But it won’t stop here. The list will go on and on and on. And many new divisions will be created amongst us.

    But will it make any difference in the life of the common people? Certainly not! The life of the masses will remain the same. Only some more ministers will be created. Someone will be Chief minister, Someone else will be the head of a state ministry.

    Some people want to cite examples of USA where there are 50 states. But one should know that the states in USA are not created on the basis of languages, color of skin or any other parameter. They are created only for administrative purpose. Whereas the situation is different in India.

    The people of USA may have dual citizenship. But, it’s only political. Emotionally or mental they are one. However, the case is opposite in India. Politically, we have single citizenship. But practically and emotionally we have many. It’s the time to promote the single citizenship in India, not only politically but also practically and emotionally. How can it be done? Anyone can say?

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    yes i think mere geographical divisions for sake of running a new government should not create divisions in the hearts of indians. truely said that only ministers would change but not the people. we are always united and we should keep the spirit up by promoting our unity as indian. this will definitely need the help of media as people are connected via media.
  3. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    up in the recent times we have witnessed many states urging for division of their states. this is creating separation in mindsets of the people. india should be a unified country and the politicians should refrain from indulging into malpractices such as prevaricating the public on discrimination of fellow countrymen basing on the different states they belong to. it should be peoples collective effort to be unified.

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