Time Management Tips For The Students

Discussion in 'Education' started by youthdefinition, Aug 27, 2023.

  1. youthdefinition

    youthdefinition New Member

    Youth or youngsters are always told to embrace time saving hacks, but how effective are they? When you start organizing your life according to schedule, you as a student achieves a whole new level of productivity.

    Here are some time management tips that will help you do that.

    1. When you take something out, always return it to its place. ( 10 minutes a day looking for misplaced items wastage 60 hours a day)

    2. After dinner, set a timer for 5 minutes and have everyone in the house pick up and put away the day's acumulated clutter.

    3. Never walk through the house empty handed. Pick up and put away as you go.

    4. Set aside 15 minutes each day to clean one area of your house. By the weekend , you want have much more cleaning to do.

    5. Set up an exit centre near the door for backpacks, keys, lunches , etc. No more time-robbing hide-and-seek.

    6. Keep a lost and found basket in a Central location where family members can stash things they find lying around and look for things they have lost.

    7. If you have a speakerphone, use it to free up your hands so that you can work on other things while talking. But be sure to ask if the person minds!

    8. Set up a place to keep schedules, invitations, phone numbers, bills and important papers.

    9. Set aside a certain Time of Day to make phone calls.

    10. Placed on hold? Make the most of your time - clean out your purse, Purge your coupon file, organise a drawer , straighten your desk, dust a piece of furniture, clean your glasses organise your wallet.

    11. Highlight all numbers you look up in the phone book. It will be easier to find them the next time you call.

    12. When you make an appointment, write down the person's phone number on your calendar in the event that your plans change.

    13. Be attuned to your biological clock to discover your prime time. Use that time to do your most important ( or strenuous) work like studying a difficult subject.

    14. Start 15-minute rule. Spend 15 minutes daily on something you have been putting on hold.

    15. If you turn off the television set or Internet for one hour each day, you will gain 7 hours a week.

    16. Always prepare yourself the night before. Lay your clothes and accessories out. Set your books and notebooks for the next day school/ college.

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