The Youth and Environment Conservation in India

Discussion in 'India' started by Campus, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Indian youth seems to take part in all the aspects of the growth and development of the country, very enthusiastically. They are now understanding and becoming aware of their Responsibilities being a citizen of the country. They feel concerned and accountable to maintain the dignity and growth of their nation. However the youth is super active in shedding light over the social and national issues of the country, there is one more aspect where the youth needs to show their kind attention and that is; Environment Conservation. There is a rapid increase in environmental degradation in the past few years, the ecosystem of the country is deteriorating gradually, the climate is becoming uncertain and there is a constant danger for the flora and wildlife of the country. And here the youth should come forward to do something advantageous to revive the lost equilibrium of the nature. Youth can initiate many programs and campaigns at their local and higher level where a mass of the population can become aware and can also become a part of those activities. Activities like recycling and composting programs, campaign against the felling of trees, awareness programs for water conservation and sanitation facilities, campaigns for pollution control in the urban cities, programs to enhance the civic senses in people, and many other awareness and active programs that aim at spreading awareness and information among the people about climate uncertainties, dangers to the natural resources, conservation and environmental management.

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