The Unnoticed Rapes : Low caste women forced into Prostitution

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Campus, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Prostitution is a stigma on the Indian society, no matter how much modernity is inducing in our society but it will remain truly tragic and struggling for the Indian women in order to survive in this very society. Where on one side Rape culture is on the peak in the society then on the other hand there are numerous of unnoticed rapes constantly and frequently taking place in it. These rapes remained ignored from the direct sight and concern of the people of the society because they rarely perceive prostitution as a forced act against the women. A prostitute is perceived as mere an object/person who satisfies the sexual desires of menfolks, this is more of a duty for her or perhaps a professional work which she does for the sake of money.

    But besides the women who choose the act of prostitution with their choice, there are many of the young girls and ladies of the low castes who are forcibly pushed into the hell of this menial act. Since these womenfolk have no other option in order to get rid of the vicious poverty thereby their feebleness becomes a weapon for the pimps and brothels to push them into this ferocious fire. This forced act of prostitution is itself a rape no matter others believe it to be so or not! Now when the society is making efforts to become safer for women in respect to reduce the rapes and crimes against women then it should also make a pledge to make the society a; "Prostitution free society".

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