The Impact of Early Marriage in Rural Areas : Domestic Violence and Sexuality

Discussion in 'Women' started by Campus, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    The rural scenario with respect to the treatments and culture followed for women are surely not pleasing. In the urban areas people are at least getting aware and conscious but there are still many rural areas of the Indian society who are supposed to be the center of suppression and exploitation of women. Child marriage and early marriage are prevalent in the rural place that has led to the rise of many horrendous problems for the young girls. Young girls who are married at an early age are regularly suppressed and sexually exploited by their mates. They are beaten everyday and treated like servants in their family. Their spouses are generally elder in age hence young wives cannot dare to raise their voice in front of the spouse. They have to say yes to yes and no to no of their spouses.

    Domestic violence becomes a story of every new day while they are sexually assaulted by the husbands without their consents and interest. Young girls are innocent and completely ignorant of the witty ways of the male dominated society, and since they are too young they do not possess the courage to revolt or rebel the violence committed against them and eventually the series of exploitation goes on and on. There are many cases where the young girls who are regularly tortured after their marriage, see no escape of this vicious web hence they ultimately commit suicide or go insane. They even do not get any parental support to come out of that hell life.

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