The Essence of Republic Day Celebration

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Youth, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Youth

    Youth Moderator

    26 January

    Every year, we Indians celebrate Republic Day with a great deal of enthusiasm and cores of Rupees are spent in the celebration. Now it’s the time to review and analyze the nature of the celebration. Till what extent it is contributing towards promoting nationalism in India ?

    The relevance of the celebration cannot be ignored. The states take the opportunity to exhibit its defence power to the masses. And the masses get a definite day devoted for the nation. It’s the time to think, what more we can do on this day.

    For many of us, the Republic Day is just another holiday. But can we not spend it in a better way? Otherwise the Republic Day will be just like a day where people need not go to office or school/colleges.

    On this day, let the people are encouraged to come to office and hoist the national flag.Let's sing the national anthem in offices.

    We can also organize patriotic song singing competition in Schools. In the educational institutes, essay writing competition or debate on any national issue can be held.

    What we want to say is, The Republic Day should not be just another holiday. It should be a day dedicated to the promotion of nationalism in our country.

    Let’s take an example. 10th December is the World AIDS Day. People celebrate it. We come across so many programs for creating awareness on HIV/AIDS. In the same way, The Republic Day can also be celebrated for national interest to eradicate Corruption in India. According to us Only Promotion of Nationalism can eradicate Corruption from India.

    Only nationalism can keep India United and help bring peace and prosperity to the nation.

    Wish you a Happier Republic Day.

    Jai Hind ! Jai Bharat !

  2. ratish

    ratish New Member

    Our Nations Replublic Day

    Definitely, I will not miss the parade. Its really a hilarious moment to see our achievements in the defense side. I was really happy to see our achievements in DRDO during the national science congress 2010. This year I have a plan to contribute a major technology product for the defense. I wish every one a happy Republic Day. "JAI HIND"
  3. sridhara

    sridhara New Member

    Republic day

    It is a good suggestion. Singing National anthem in schools and offices should improve dedication to nation and work.
  4. Joy Jacob

    Joy Jacob New Member

    Celebrations make us get together. Let us continue to do it.
  5. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    do we really understand the inner meaning of 26th January?

    26th January is the Republic Day of India. The whole nation celebrates the Republic Day with mirth and glee. This is the national festival of India. Different programs launched in different states to salute and observe Republic of India. There are different cultural and patriotic programs telecasted in Medias. There are special programs held in the capital of India, Delhi. The President of India hoist the National Flag and Governors hoist the National Flag in the different states and Union Territories. But tell me seriously, do we really understand the inner meaning of 26th January?
  6. manish.pawar

    manish.pawar New Member

    Republic day iNDIA

    The 62nd Republic Day of India will be celebrated all over the Nation on 26th of January 2011. The chief guest for this year’s Republic Day celebration in India will be Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the President of Indonesia.

    On August 15th , 1947, India obtained its independence. However the Nation did not have its own constitution but was rather using a modified one of the previous British colonial government. After Three years , the existing constitution of India came into effect on the 26th of January 1950. That followed the election of great Indian Leader Rajendra Prasad as the First President of the Nation. 26th of January is one of three national holidays in India.

    26th of January is celebrated as a joy of freedom.

    Freedom from Power Mongers!
    Happy Republic Day India.
  7. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Happy Republic Day India

    The Republic Day of India is the day that results the adoption of the Constitution of India and the evolution of India from a British Dominion to a republic on 26 January, 1950.

    Today, the Republic Day is celebrated with much enthusiasm all over the country and especially in the capital, New Delhi where the celebrations start with the Presidential to the nation.

    To mark the importance of this occasion, every year a grand parade is held in the capital, from the Rajghat, along the Vijaypath. The different regiments of the army, the Navy and the Air force march past in all their finery and official decorations even the horses of the cavalry are attractively caparisoned to suit the occasion.

    The patriotic fervor of the people on this day brings the whole country together even in her essential diversity. Every part of the country is represented in occasion, which makes the Republic Day the most popular of all the national Festivals of India.
    So friends,

    Let us come together and remember
    the golden heritage of
    Our Nation
    And feel
    Proud to be a part of India


    JAI HIND !!​
  8. shivanigupta

    shivanigupta New Member

    I simply hate all those citizens of India who just consider 26th January as just an another holiday. Why can't they understand that It is necessary to celebrate the national festivals of India to Promote Nationalism in India , to promote the feeling of Pride and Patriotism in India.
  9. Rashi

    Rashi New Member

    Republic Day - National Festival !

    26th January is the day when we Proud Indians rejoice our culture and remember all the great freedom fighters of India because of whom we are enjoying Freedom today. Also it is a chance for all of proud Indians to come together and celebrate this National festival and remember that we are Indians first. Celebration of this National festival also gives us a message that we are one and stand together for protecting our Mother India.
  10. Rashi

    Rashi New Member

    This is a note for all Proud Indians on the occasion of Republic Day let us join hands for contributing something significant for our nation directly or indirectly so that we could uphold its pride around the globe. Let us take an oath that through our work we would contribute something significant for the benefit of our society and for making our nation proud !
  11. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Republic Day marks the day of India's complete Independence as on this day, the Indian Constitution came in force replacing the The Government of India Act 1935. This Day is celebrated with grandeur and fervor all over the nation. It is one of the World renowned celebrations and the most beautiful part of it is that we get to witness the different colors of our nation under a single roof. This day marks the day of India becoming a Republic nation.

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