Technology is the Key to Water Conservation in the Country

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    The water crisis has become a serious issue for the country for which there is a need to develop certain properly laid down plans and measures. Water is a basic necessities and its conservation is a top most priority of the management and government. Innovative Technology is something that can absolutely and brilliantly helps in water management and conservation. There is persistent water wastage in the country due to leakage in the pipelines. The authorities remain unaware of such menace there by the water continues to be wasted. If the authorities could be informed at the right time about the leakage it could have been identified and repaired on time. With the help of technology sensors could have been employed in certain areas like the pipelines and mapping areas of consuming water this will help the authorities to know about how much leakage had actually happened and how much water was actually being consumed.

    With the help of technology the distribution of water can also be improved, the services would be enhanced. Data that is created in this system will help the authorities to manage (reduce or increase) the flow of water to the specific areas, it will enable them to provide a balanced water supply to the areas that face scarcity and where the water supply is in plenty, operations would become easier and it will also help in reducing the wastage of water. Water is a natural resource that is in a crucial condition but with the help of technology it could be better optimized and conserved.

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