Superstitions in India

Discussion in 'Culture' started by gentleman, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. gentleman

    gentleman New Member

    Let’s begin with the definition of superstition; it may make the subject easier. Superstition is nothing other than an irrational belief that does stem from ignorance or fear and it can be found in almost all realms of the globe and is certainly not confined to India only. Whatever it is, superstitions in India dominate to a large extent and it seems that the saga is going to go on for decades still. How can the scourge of superstitions be ended? This is a question of great importance and before striving to have the best solution, it is necessary to comprehend the existing scenario.

    Even if the Indian society is progressing at a great speed, a great number of people (too numerous to be counted) are still gullible. They are also found to have a strong confidence in the local beliefs and some of them happen to be quite side-splitting, while others appear to be interesting. A good number of beliefs or superstitions have their origins in Indian scriptures and religious texts. There is also a difference between the superstitions. While some of these are rooted in scientific reasoning, others have one aim and it is to get protection from the onslaughts of evil spirits. Are these true? If you are sane and also ready to take note of other views, have down pat that lots of beliefs in Indian culture are basically incongruous and devoid of any logic.

    ways to get rid of superstitions

    It is worthwhile to mention that the intensity of superstitious notion is lesser in the Indian urban sectors than the rural ones and the credit, in this context, goes to the level of education and the fast pace of life. Several studies conducted of late, confirm that the superstitious notion gets reduced as soon as light of urban civilization reaches the Indian rural sectors. Hence, education remains the only hope.

    I think the best way of combating superstition is education. What do you proud Indians Think ?

  2. Travelindia

    Travelindia New Member

    Indian is chained by superstition. Even after so many years, these superstitions are creating hurdles. These superstations’ some time are supported by religious belief and some time they are just there without any knowledge. People are blindly following it without any solid reasons and grounds. It is true that people, who have been educated and moved into a very different lifestyle, do not much believe on all this. But still majority of Indian's still have these dogmatic beliefs. Well education is the only major source available to eradicate this issue; but this will surely take time.
  3. techguru

    techguru New Member

    This is true that superstitions do exist predominantly in our country and every time a cat crosses the road any Indian stops for a while, no matter how much educated he is or running short of time for his work.

    But India has grown from so many illogical customs like sati, child marriage, pardah system etc and would definitely grow from many more.
  4. myopinion

    myopinion New Member

    i believe superstitions exists only until we let them exist!
    to make our society free from al kinds of superstitions, disbelieves and myths, we will have to start not to believe in them.
    superstitions make the community hollow as it hinders steady growth, right attitude and stops us to move ahead in various aspects of life.
    so if you want to see a change, make sure you pass by even if a black cat has crossed the road and continue doing your important work even if someone has sneezed.
    superstitions should never come in the way to success..
    wish you good luck
  5. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    yes i think the same, because it is hard to clean the minds of existing superstitious people because they hold them strongly. but we can prevent passing of this to the next generation. this can be done by educating the children about the irrational beliefs. giving a proper explanation to the superstition and proving that it is irrational will prevent children from becoming such superstitious minds.
  6. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    Gradually with awareness things are changing at a satisfactory rate. A great portion of Population is not following superstitions. But superstitions still form major part of social problems in rural and remote areas.
  7. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Superstition is deep inside the Indian roots.. No matter how modern we have become but most of the Indian parts we are still struggling had to get rid from this evil.. We should educate people regarding this..
  8. R2India

    R2India New Member

    india is plunged with superstitions. if you take a look back to the ancient india, you can find superstition in every aspect of day to day life. especially in the rural parts people blindly follow beliefs which have no proper rationale. this is one of the reasons why india is not coming up from the bottom seated orthodox nature.
  9. seema

    seema New Member

    Superstitions or you may call it beliefs are manifested in our lives since childhood. These superstitions started ages ago and still continues to exist in our society. Although many people do not follow superstitions, but there are so many people in India who still follows the long persisting superstitions. Most of the beliefs that we have do not have any kind of logic and we follow them blindly but in this age of modernization, there is no place for superstitions and we should stop believing in all these if we want our society to develop and progress.
  10. prembazaar

    prembazaar New Member

    The disadvantage of superstition is emotional inhibition derived from the superior influence of leaders and elders. This emotional inhibition is generally a fear created by religious or superstitious concepts that are imposed upon the innocent mind of children. It is the ultimate fear of damnation and persecution for failure to accept the fascist dictates of the parental cult. There is the fear of ruthless reprisals for marriage or relations outside of the rules of the respective cult.
  11. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Superstitions do not just pertain to India but every nation, every culture, every group of people in this World have some or the other superstitious beliefs. However, superstition is a bit more in India and people follow it blindly. The actual reason behind superstition are our ancestors who started it but with a hidden reason behind the existing superstition but people follow it blindly and it is due to the fear of ending up in something bad.
  12. kushy

    kushy New Member

    Our culture is changed,Educates are also more but still belief in superstition is more.We should feel happy for the present compared to past.

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