Sugary Drinks are Slow killer

Discussion in 'Health' started by Woman, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Sugary drinks, sodas, fruits drinks and other sugary beverages are very dangerous as they may even lead to death of the person. Excessive use of such drinks initially makes your body prone to diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer that ultimately have one result. Even scientific researches and analysis have calculated the direct impact on diabetes and obesity related effects on cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Besides this, the usage of drinks with added sugar may lead to Metabolic Dysfunction, Fat Promotion in the body, Causes tremendous release of Dopamine in the Brain that makes you an addictive, raises your Cholesterol level, and also decaying of teeth. When we know that sugary beverages are not at all good for our health still then we simply ignore this fact and just stick to their alluring tastes. One has to think wisely when it comes to own health how can one cope with so many crucial problems or even one of them? It is better to take precaution than to have no cure at the later stage.

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