Subsidies in India

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Indian, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Indian

    Indian New Member

    Subsidy portrays Indian infidelity.It’s better to start with the basic definition of subsidy. In accordance with the definition, subsidy is nothing save a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that does good for the public. The same does take place in the Indian context too, without a shred of doubt. It is better to say the same has become a tradition by now and it has been happening from the year of national independence – 1947. And the reasons are quite obvious. It is an effort of the government to lend the poorer sections of India a hand through proffering subsidies so that they can deal with the mounting expenses.

    But a question is rising after almost seven decades of independence. Is this act of Indian governance beneficial to the needy people at all? Or is this a mere publicity stunt and the money is lost in the midway? The question may stun lots of people and may portray infidelity of the same government scenario. Copious numbers of accounts representing the weaker sections of different regions of India do state that the situation is out of the frying pan into the fire. There was indeed a time when subsidies, however minuscule compared to the government’s original declaration, used to reach regions infested by the tribal people.

    What is the current situation then? The money gets lots in the midway and the weaker people turn into weakest in a flash. If the question is raised ever (by God’s grace), the state government reprimands the central followed by the retort of the same and in the midst of this cacophony, the main issue gets lost.

    Where is the problem then? The problem is in the Indian bureaucracy along with the governance, engaged in cajoling the propertied class for ever and a day. Several reports do state that the subsidies meant for the weaker people are actually endowed to the private sector and remaining 10% is sent in reality.

    Isn’t this a betrayal? If not, the definition of this word must be changed without ado.Proud Indians please comment on this issue.

  2. Yuva

    Yuva New Member

    India needs subsidies and its proper implementation

    Let’s begin with the basic definition of subsidy. It’s nothing save a grant paid by a government to a project or venture that does benefit the public to a large extent and according to some schools of thoughts, it is also a contrary to tax. While tax, as per fiscal pundits, raises price of the item for consumption taxed, subsidies, on the other hand, lessen value of the product subsidized. In the Indian context it can certainly be called a negative taxation and has been the center of attention for several decades at a stretch on account of a range of factors.

    Truly speaking, in the Indian political scenario it is not possible for anyone to refute or go against the saga of subsidies. This is not the fact that subsidy is exceedingly essential and the Indian economic System is reliant on it. But the real reason is no party is ready to lose its own pro-people image. And this takes place since the Indian populace consider subsidy as the generous contribution of a government.

    Is there is any need of subsidies?- This question is raised since India does render subsidies to its population for the development of standard of living but there has hardly been any development in this context. Reports reveal, in spite of expenditure of millions of rupees as subsidies polarization r schisms between rural and urban India is on the rise. Take for instance kerosene, flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters and one of the most common fuels used in India, especially in the rural sector. Kerosene does enjoy a good amount of subsidy from the government.

    But as per studies, in spite of the presence of subsidy more than half of the rural populace can’t make use of kerosene; they simply can’t afford it. All these indicate the abysmal poverty dominating the Indian rural scenario. There is another reality. As per Indian media reports, subsidies owing to lack of infrastructure and transparency, was cashed in by the bureaucrats leaving the needy people in the lurch.

    India is in need of subsidies but more of proper implementation of the same.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2016
  3. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    i think this is absolutely betrayal by the government as promising subsidy to the poor and then not allocating them the same is a heinous act. the poor people start their business or mostly its the farmers who seek the subsidies, who work so hard for earning and when subsidies are rejected( that too carelessly and rudely answered by the officials ), people feel it prick in the heart. media should highlight such things and bring this situation into limelight.
  4. R2India

    R2India New Member

    its cheating by the government looting the money promised to the needy. it is very clear that the money promised as subsidy for a product or process is not reaching the needy which is resulting in increased prices of the products and at the end its the poor people who are affected. vigilance department should conduct raids and put those people behind bars who are involved in scams of subsidies.
  5. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Subsidies are meant to help the people raise their business in terms of financial help given by the government. But sadly the subsidies which are usually promised by the government hardly reach anyone completely. Either the subsidy is completely denied or the officials charge people for bribe to clear off their payments. Government must make the rules more strict and deploy vigilance department's eye on such corruption stuck departments.

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