Stop the Gender discrimination

Discussion in 'Women' started by quizzycal, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    With the improvement in sex detection techniques the Girl child is aborted more often. A boy is thought to be the heir of the family and is looked upon as a means of support when parents get older. Even if a girl child manages to take birth she is brutally malnourished and tortured. This is most prevalent in the rural society.

    Post your Views on What Will It Take to Stop Gender Discrimination in India ?

  2. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    ashamed of those who still believe in gender discrimination

    I am really feeling bad to know that today also many people believe in such an awful act of gender discrimination. Why do people do this? :confused:

    Haven’t they heard of such great Indian women like Rani Lakshmi Bai, Indira Gandhi etc, who have contributed a major part in the freedom fight of India? Where are women behind today than man? :confused:

    :) Nowhere is it science, politics, technology, or any other major field. All the latest sex detection technologies should really be put upon a ban to in order to eradicate this act of gender discrimination fully.

    Any comments?
  3. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    hey Surya,
    all sex determination procedures have already banned by the government. still, some of our fellow indians insist on knowing the sex of their unborn child for their mental satisfaction, as if giving birth to a girl child is a crime. certainly, our nation will take a long time to complete with countries that want to know if it is a girl, so that they can shop for pink dresses and design the baby nursery in pink frills :eek:
  4. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    Well the gender discrimination still exists india though people are being educated with the cons of gender bias. Gender discrimination exists not only in case of births, but also in other instances such as work. Women in india are not given right to participate in all the activities as much as men are given. This should be stopped and women should be given their importance.
  5. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    Stop gender discrimination

    The Indian rural society still believes that a son is the only heir while the girls are just burden for the family. If the gender of the unborn is distinguished as female, then either it is aborted or if it manages to enter the world, then she is pursued more with hatred than love. She would be taken as burden and so would be married off at a very tender age, and she will just become source of giving birth to babies and die of malnutrition. These orthodox ideals of the people need reformation through education on this subject.
  6. hitesh2108

    hitesh2108 New Member

    In Mauritius, some people prefer boys because girls often love boys of other religions and bring disgrace to their families. eg More and more girls are falling in the trap of love jihad. Just bringing education is not enough; rich families, doctors, lawyers, etc all practiced this discrimination.
  7. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    visit the villages of India in this generation and you can find people more lenient on males than females. people think women are just a burden on their shoulders and they need to be given away for marriage along with dowry. this tradition is passing on for generations together and i think it will take some more time for the people to realize the irrationality behind the context.
  8. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Till when this gender discrimination will happen? One day it has to stop. It is teh tendency of indian people to discriminate among men and women, girl and boy. Since the time of birth the parents feel a girl child a burden on the family and if the boy is there then they feel proud as someone who can carry the burden has took a birth. This is a discrimination which has to be stopped. Times are changing now and with the change in time people also should change their thinking about girls. They are as capable as men.
  9. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    When god has not done any discrimination between a girl and a boy then why the hell people are doing this? We should teach people to stop discrimination as this brings unrest among the society and people. Old people usually think that a boy child is better than a girl child and this is the cause of the female foticide. We must stop this as soon as possible.
  10. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    Changing gender role

    The changing system is a universal factor which also brings change in the status of its members. An emergent phenomenon is the growing flexibility as well as changes in the gender roles of men and women. The flexibility and changes in gender roles has its root in the changing social structure. Advancement in science, economic factors and changed value system are responsible for changing gender role
  11. culture

    culture New Member

    If issues like gender discrimination, female infanticide prevail in India, it would give reasons to other nations to look at India as an orthodox country with least social development. So i think we all should realize the importance of both the genders equally and respect them both.
  12. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Gender discrimination is unconstitutional and it violates Article 15 of the Indian Constitution. Since everyone is equal in the eyes of God and even Law, then why cannot the society? It is now time to stop gender discrimination and provide equal opportunity to all.
  13. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Gender discrimination as been prevalent in India since time unknown. Daughters are being tortured always by their families especially in the rural areas. Why is this discrimination still existing even in the 21st century when women have achieved so much in every field be it science, technology, politics etc? It is now time to stop this discrimination and provide equal status to both men and women.
  14. seema

    seema New Member

    We say that we live in a Secular nation that provides equality to everyone but it is sad that gender discrimination still exist in our society where boys are considered superior to girls. In many places in India, girls are still considered as economic liability even after they have reached the moon. This is a reason for many social evils like dowry, child marriage, female foeticide, domestic violence etc. These issue will be solved only if gender discrimination is stopped.

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