Stepping Out of Poverty : How big is the Role of Education and Employment?

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Poverty in India is a vicious circle that traps a person for almost his entire life, there are numerous of people who are living under poverty and leading a struggling way of life. Earning the livelihood is a real challenge for them. Providing the basic facilities and at least the food and shelter has also become a real problematic issue for the Indian Government as well. Various of plans and programmes have already been running but at the end the quest remains as it is that how many of them have actually been actualized. Education and Employment have always been the big role players in the development and growth process of a country. These two are the pilots that can deal with any issue of the nation in many prolific ways. In case of poverty education and employment are the essential elements that can immensely help in eradicating poverty and to raise th GDP of the economy. In fact right education will bring forth many opportunities for employment, a major number of people would be able to get employment with good prospects of education and it will also enable the people to utilize the resources in a better way. The areas that are more prone to poverty and that which are highly facing poverty need to be focussed on top prioroty basis. Especially the rural areas, villages slums, and remote areas, need to be given utmost attention in developing opportunities for education and employment in those areas. living standards will also get better with better opportunities of education. Employment will not only facilitate earning sources to the general people but it will also strengthen the economy of the country. Thus in order to accomplish the plans that aim at eradicating proverty; there is a foremost need of raising the standards of Education and Opportunities for Employment in the country.

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